The freezer and fridge...
Notice the ice packs piled up for lunches hubby and I take to work, bag of ice from the last pot luck here...On the fridge side Lactose free milk from Landons bout with stomach flu (Dr. said no dairy!), iced tea maker pitcher (my obsession), and a giant jar of veganaise which I swear by.
And the fridge door.
Whole milk for Landon, 2% for us...Soy Vey terriyaki sauce (yum), and plenty of pinot grigio to drink on the bottom!
I tag Self Confessed Lamp Tramp, Always Organizing, View From The Beach, Pinot and Pacifiers, Belle in Bloom, Caffeine Court and Figs, Lavender and Cheese to post pics of your fridge (NOT STYLED, THAT"S NOT FAIR!) and a little description. I also tag anyone else who wants to play. Come on...I know you want to see in peoples fridges!!!
There's a whole group on Flickr that's pics of people's fridges & what they've got inside them. Go check it out!
Got your tag! Will post pics tonight or tomorrow. Oh boy, not going to be pretty! :)
This is hilarious! I think I might have to post this.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hilarious, seriously! I will post tonight! I'm out the door after I type:)
I'm on it. Just a warning,'s not going to be pretty.
i do not have enough guts to do this, but at least your freezer part made me feel a bit ok. i picture everyone else's organized by box size and variety !!
This is funny! I will do it early next week since I am leaving town in a few hours! Thanks! :)
I did a double take b/c your fridge looks just like mine :)
Love it...what an hysterical is so funny how people are always so curious to what is in fridge!!
that is really funny! what is veganaise?
I think we have the same fridge (different stuff - same model fridge:) I may have to take a picture late today!
OK, I'm in, but you'll be scared!! (Really--no styling??? Well, ok!)
Fun! Glad you mentioned veganaise, I forgot about that. I may not be able to find it here. And soy vey terriyaki, sounds good. Can't wait to see everyone's fridge.
I posted my fridge :)
I think I'll be cleaning mine today!
Hilarious! Right now I don't have much in mine besides salad dressings, mustards, alcohol and water!
BTW- love Soy Vay, go through it like nobody's business. Love the Island version too.
When we return to this episode of Cribs, One Fabulous Mom is going to show us the room where the magic happens! ;)
I think we should all color coat our food like they do with the books (red foods together, yellow foods together). My fridge is 90 years old and part of the wall. I will share someday on my it type relationship.
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