
Friday Five So me...SO NOT ME!

So Me!

So Not Me!

So Me!

So Not me!

So Me!

So Not Me!

So Me!

So Not Me!

So My Kid!

So Not My kid!

Wanted to do this post for a while since I saw it on Tres Poshes blog. I tag anyone who feels like doing it too!!


Cindy said...

This looks like fun. I'm going to have to get to work on one of these.

L.A. Prep said...

Love it, very fun. I may have to try this too!

Mrs.Preppy said...

Love those green curtains in the first picture.

Etiquettely Correct said...

I love this post! I am going to try and do one.

Tippy said...

Who dresses their kids like that? Seriously!

I'm with you on the no camping. I have a tote bag that says "I love not camping" - my husband thinks I'm insane.

Bridget said...

oooh that is fun, must try that one. I love all your "likes" and the Dereon kids made me laugh out loud! I would say yes, that is quite the departure from Rags Land (which I love too!)

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Cute! Love Rags Land, too, but we're getting too big for it. I will eventually have to camp out, I'm sure, but I may need to be dropped off at the nearest hotel after dinner. I don't do "hot" and "bugs".

kenady said...

never heard of rags land, but will definitely check it out. and did you know that I get that I look like Reese Witherspoon a lot. I even said that she would play me if there were ever a movie made about my life:)

Michelle said...

Can I just hang out with your version of "me" which I would feel 100% comfy in...except my Ragsland Days are fast fading as my boys grow and DS2 doesn't have the patience with his Mommy's idea of fashion in the same way DD and DS1 did.

Suburban prep said...

So totally agree with you.

Sisters with Style said...

What a fun post! I love Ragsland too! However, My daughters take on it is another story! Lets just say she will never dress like the bottom picture.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree.

Anonymous said...

I did this one once and it was fun. That said, I'd have to say that you'd hate my living room. :-)

Danielle Moss said...

I did this one a while ago.

You have fantastic taste in both vacation choices and furniture. I was just discussing today how I'd never want to go camping.

I camped for one night in the 6th grade. That was good enough for me.

Steel Magnolia said...

LOVE it!

Hopsy said...

Adore the first photo! Is it from a Calico Corners ad!?

lizziefitz said...

DITTO !!!!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...