
Girls Getaway Big Report- Sanity Break!

Imagine yourself, exhausted as usual, unable to even take a shower let alone get your nails done, and suddenly you are transported to a place where you have no mommy responsibilities. You are in a mommy time out. That is the definition of a girls weekend.

I could not believe there was no schedule. No one that had to be taken care of, fed, bathed! It was a vacation for sure.

We all descended on my parents house in Palm Beach at 12:30am Thursday night. It was as if we had been out all night and met up at the sorority house. We proceeded to get settled, and the girls discovered my mom's little gift a monogram coozie and a pink baseball hat. Thanks mom!!! We stayed up until 3am talking and having a few glasses of wine. We were exhausted but so happy to be together. We marveled at the fridge that was full of food from our favorite restaurant Dexters, our college haunt. Godmother hooked us up by getting that and a case of champagne!

Friday morning I saw that the gift fairy had come again thanks to Beef. She got us pink and green towels, flip flops and wrapped it all up in the cutest way!

We spent the day by the pool laughing and opened our first bottle of Veuve by noon. The Pom Pom was invented soon after.

We ended up not even leaving the house, poor Rynal got an evil migraine but we even dressed for dinner at the house! Why not! We had all the time in the world! LUXURY!!!

We laughed, we cried, it was fabulous.

Saturday Rynal made the world move when she got not only a masseuse to the house, but two nail techs. We even squeezed in a trip to TJ Maxx before they came! I had a ball shopping with Foley at TJ Maxx. She got so many things! I searched high and low for any signs of vineyard vines but no dice. Did get some polo shorts for Landon!

We dined outside and had a few laughs.

Then we ended up in out PJS!

It was such a wonderful time for all of us. Can't wait to do it again!


Always Organizing said...

What a great trip!!! Thanks for sharing the pics :)
ps. I have a fun giveaway going on, come check it out!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am glad you had fun on your girls trip! I hope you have a nice week!

Tippy said...

Aww, sounds like you all had a blast! That's so great - all moms need that sometimes.

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Sounds perfect. No plans, no schedules, no kids! Glad you had fun. My girls' weekend isn't until early August! 8 women at the beach. We have 20 kids among us!

The Chic Chauffeur said...

What a fabulous weekend. . . . So glad you had a good time!!!!! I am especially impressed that your friends can get their feet over their heads!! Go Mrs's friends!!!!! I absolutely love veuve clicquot!

Even with all the fun, I'll bet you were glad to get home :)

PaperCourt said...

How fun!

Karen said...

Sounds like a wonderful time! I must say a Pom Pom sounds good!

PS: In NYC I plan to walk around most of the days and take in the sites. We also plan to visit the MET and the Natural History excited.

Barefoot in the Park said...

i'm glad y'all had fun!

Melissa said...

Looks like a fun trip! Thanks for sharing the pictures! I love your dress! :)

The Rockin' Wife said...

That really looks like a fabulous time! My Mothers Day weekend was not half as cool as your was! Thanks for sharing the pics...and it gives me some ideas for me and my friends next year.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful, relaxing time with all your friends. I think everyone who has children needs a little "mommy time". I love that you all got dressed for dinner and stayed in.

ilovepink said...

Oh! Looks like so much fun! I am jealous!!! Glad you had a good Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous weekend - glad you had fun, lucky girl! Love that y'all dressed for dinner at the house. Cute!

Belle said...

What a great trip! The Pom Pom sounds amazing! So glad you had fun. You deserve it!

Kate said...

Fun! Glad you had such a great time!!

Kiki said...

Looks like you had a fabulous tme, I love the dress you are wearing in the pics!!! So glad you got some time with friends and relaxed!!!

lizziefitz said...

UUUMMM?? Did Landon really need more polos? I thought I sent enough so you could spoil yourself? And yes I wouls love to attend the next Pom Pom outing;)

melissa said...

Girl get aways are the best!! So glad you had such a great time :)
