I am just going to admit it. I love The Bachelor and Bachelorette on ABC. I try to hate it, think it's trash TV and fake as hell, really I have tried. Instead I wait, pretend I won't tune in this time, and then Tivo and watch the whole damn thing.
Worse my friend Tessa (who I mom interviewed before), and I go over all the juicy details. Let's talk:
I knew Shayne was the one from the start, she is adorable and funny and he really noticed her. Also there were so many sluts this season it was pretty easy to weed these chicks out. Don't get me wrong Shayne is a bit cheesy, (her mother looks like a porn star), but hell I love her. I loved it when she took her make up out of her jacket while snowboarding, jumped off a big raft in the ocean, did a round off back hand spring for him, I could go on. She's spunky and sweet.
So the finale aired and he chose her which I was happy about! Usually they try to do the bait and switch which pisses me off to no end. Here you are thinking the bachelor is gonna pick one girl and BAM he chooses the other one, usually because they cut the footage of him lovin on her! Hate that!
Anyhoo, Mr. Britt guy Matt proposed to Shayne, who he calls "Monkey". Please the man had a knick name for her! He LOOOOOOOves her! Here's what he said:
"I know when I look in those beautiful brown eyes that you'll always be there for me and I hope that you know that I'll always be there for you," then getting down on one knee he continued, "Shayne, I love you and I have something for you. Monkey, will you marry me?"
I bawled. It was really sweet and real (for once). I know all the bachelors break up with these girls a few months later and usually are just doing the show to promote something, but I am optimistic! I feel the same way I felt seeing Trista and Ryan! Come on! Hope with me!
The best was after the proposal when Shayne said she'd marry him under one condition:
"You will never look at another woman for the rest of our lives because you have looked at way too many during our relationship!"
It was cute. Translation: don't mess with me or I'll rip your balls off. I love that girl!
I'm the same way with this show, I love to watch it, but it really stinks when they break up. I did not like Shanye in the beginning but she really grew on my and I was hoping it would be her. Hopefully they can make it work!!
Oh, man. You're making me feel cynical as hell. I like to watch it, but just so I can make fun of it and laugh at its cheesiness. And the chances of them lasting...well, I'm picking slim to none. And I consider myself a romantic!
Shayne's whole makeup on the ski slopes turned me around because that's exactly what I would have done. It was a lot more genuine this time at the end. I'm rooting for them, too. Maybe they will be the next Trista and Ryan. Shayne's just so young...
Please, no genital mutilation references...
The Mr.
I'm rooting for them. I thought he was so attractive! She is a cutie but ugg her mother was SCARY!
I love that show too! Now I am ready for the bachlorette!!!
does anyone else think that Shayne was totally showing her acting abilities? it was so contrived in my opinion.......i would be surprised if they actually stay together.....
I used to be a big Bachelor fan. I had Bachelor parties where everyone came over the watch. I finally got tired of being pissed off for picking the girl I never liked so I quit. I tuned in and out this year, but love Shane. she is precious!
Ooo me too. I'm excited that they are following this seasons bachelor with the bachelorette!
First time stopping by and love it...I'm a reality tv freak and I agree- I hope they make it! And I hope all turns out great in the health front.
It would be nice to see this one work out...I'm really rooting for the new Bachelorette too
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