
Friday Update With One Fabulous Mom

What a week! Don't you feel great! There's still time to come clean if you want to comment on the earlier posts. I love the things that everyone said but I'll pick a few to highlight.

I really related to View From The Beach's Comment on the health and taking care of yourself post. "The dishes can wait, but your health and sanity shouldn't have to". I admit I am guilty of unloading the dishwasher vs taking time for me!!! As for my doctors visit, she doesn't think I have Lupus but is doing a full blood panel to see what else it could be and rule out Lupus totally. I was relieved when she said she was pretty sure I didn't have it! I failed the physical test for Lupus, never was so happy to fail a test in my life!

On the financial end, a lot of you are budgeting and living debt free (go Biscuits are never Boring!) and I am so inspired. I loved when I Love Pink said she lives with a financial planner and her whole life is on a budget! Hysterical. I also loved Southern Somedays cash envelop system. I have heard about this, and hubby wants to try it so we will. I am also handing over bill paying to him. I think he will help to keep me in line! Meeting with the financial planner was such a weight off my shoulders. She makes everything seem do-able!!!

Those of you brave enough to post on the sex one hooray! I know some others wanted to but couldn't get up the nerve! LOL. I love when Always Organizing said they "fool around every few days". Too cute! I think I need to have more sex, I've been holding out a little on the hubs!

As for spirituality I loved everyones comments but especially The Chic Chauffeurs experience at a funeral when the priest mentioned that the woman who had passed on had a good life, a life that was an answer to one prayer or another. And that she needs to reminds herself to look for answered prayers.

I am so grateful to you my bloggy friends, who help me to come clean and to feel inspired and supported no matter what. I love you guys! XO


Kate said...

Hurray!! No lupus!!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I loved reading your recap of everyone's comments. I hope you have a nice weekend!

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you don't have Lupus!

I really enjoyed this "coming clean" week you did! Enjoy the weekend! :)

Always Organizing said...

So happy to hear that you failed the Lupus test! I have been thinking about you :) Glad you liked my comment from the Coming Clean - S-E-X post ;) I liked the whole "Coming Clean" series of posts you did. We all share these common threads in life, it is nice to talk about it. I enjoy your blog so much, it is one of my daily reads.

Kim said...

I've been gone for ten days and look what I've missed!

Must comment!

Bridget said...

Great news! I loved your coming clean series :) I hope you have a wonderful LONG w/e with the family :) xo Brie

Kiki said...

I am so glad that you did this, I think it opened up a lot of talking points for people and gave us something to rally around!!! The best news though, is that you do not have lupus!!!!!! That is truly an answer to prayer and I'll have to give some thanks for sure...your post on everyone's comments was a great way to turn it into a conversation!!!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and make sure you make time for you somewhere in the busyness!!! Keeping you in my thoughts...xoxo Kiks

Linda S said...

you amaze me with your openness and honesty. you are not only one fabulous mom, but one fabulous woman and friend to us all. only the best wishes for you!

Jill said...

Hooray for failing the test! I loved the "coming clean" series this week.

kenady said...

So glad the doctor doesn't think it's Lupus!! YAY! Here's to failing tests!

Great week of posts. What a fantastic idea and thanks for coming clean.

Jen said...

I loved this 'series' of topics! It really made an impact on me. I have already used the 'romance' tips and checked a couple of finance books out of the library. Further, I talked to hub about the 'spiritual' topic.

Thanks so much!!!

ilovepink said...

So glad to hear the test is negative! YEAH!! Hope you had a great weekend!