
2016 - The Year To Transform Your Life! Questions to ask from Mallika Chopra- STEP 1

Hi friends!

I don't know about you but I am ready to kiss 2015 GOODBYE. I am ready to leave a lot behind. I am ready to embrace and get a hold of some significant parts of my life.

 I am ready for TRANSFORMATION.

Can I get an AMEN??

The first step is getting focused on what is really important. A LOT of important time is wasted on things that are not important. An easy trap to fall into!

Mallika Chopra (daughter of Deepak Chopra) suggests in "Living With Intent" that we ask these questions:

1) Who am I?

2) What do I want?

3) How can I serve?

and I added another:

4) What makes me happy?

You can meditate on this and then write it down. The funny thing is, when I started this I only had a few things for each category. Now I have 10!

Here are a few of mine:

1) Who Am I? 

Mother of two amazing kids.
A wife who is committed.
A seeker who wants to learn.

2) What do I want?

Health and wellness for myself and my family
A purpose driven life
Financial freedom

3) How can I serve?

As a mother/ teacher to my children
On the board of Junior League
With The Warrior Moms- helping women rise to their greatest potential

4) What makes me happy?

Deep conversations with good friends
Hot yoga!

Try this exercise and join me on my journey! Let's make 2016 everything we hope for!


The Marriage Quilt

A few nights ago my high school friends and I got together. This was no small feat. With kids, holidays, different zip codes and coasts, it was a miracle we pulled it off. What I love about this crew is that everyone is cool being exactly as they are. No pretense. No B.S. We've all been through various good and bad things. Divorce, husband issues, child issues, parent issues. We've all walked through the fire.

When the conversation turned to marriage I heard a lot being said about how hard it really is. What it takes to have a marriage that lasts.

My analogy that I came up with was: Marriage is like a quilt.

When you first get married the quilt is perfect, snugly, and everything you want. You don't know how you ever lived without it before! The perfect comfort and happiness.

But over time job stress, financial strain, emotional strain, kids, can put holes in your quilt. It can wear it really thin and leave it threadbare. Mending it takes major work. You need time alone to reconnect, you need to let built up resentments go, and that's HARD. Sometimes the mending is as easy as watching your kid score a goal at soccer together, or sing in the school play.
You just smile at each other and feel mended.

Sometimes, however, you feel tired of mending. You think of how your quilt used to be and compare to how worn it looks now. You even think about getting a NEW QUILT. We could all just walk away from our relationships. Say we would be better off, happier, without it. 

In reality, in a lot of cases, there's a comfort to that old quilt that a new quilt can never bring. There's a history, a shared dream. New quilts look better but there's no guarantee it will really keep you warm.

So when you're holding on by a very thin thread....remember that's all it takes sometimes. You can always mend and patch those holes.

And for those of you who feel you NEVER had a quilt, WANT to have a quilt but can't find one, or have a quilt so DAMAGED it wouldn't be good for YOU if you fixed it....I am thinking of you and know what while all the crazy emotions of this past year are swirling around, and you are having a hard holiday, the new year beings RENEWAL. And NEW QUILTS. So take heart and keep the faith.

Oh, and everyone keep your sewing kits handy. Mending will happen!


Are You About To Erupt? Magma Mamas

This time of year brings an incredible amount of stress. It's almost VOLCANIC.

But it's more than the time of year. Something is happening my Mom friends, something where we are all about to ERUPT.  


We are under pressure. And eventually, it will come to the surface.
Although the Earth is solid rock, it’s under high pressures and temperatures, and this causes rock to melt and squeeze out of cracks in the rock. When it’s underneath the surface, the molten rock is called magma. When it reaches the surface, it erupts as lava, ash and volcanic rocks. The magma collects into vast chambers beneath the Earth’s crust. Since this magma is less dense than the surrounding rock, it “floats” up to the surface, seeking out cracks and weaknesses in the rock. When it finally reaches the surface, we see this as an eruption.

I see women who are under such immense pressure from themselves, husbands, parents, children. They are keeping it together but I see. I see it floating to the surface. Cracking. Breaking. About to ERUPT. We are on a path that is so strenuous, over scheduled, stretched thin we can hardly take it. I keep hearing Moms say: I'm EXHAUSTED. I'm so TIRED. I'm at the end of my ROPE. You keep going even though you are about to blow. Too tired to change.
You see the nature of a volcanic eruption depends on thickness of the magma. When the lava flows easily, it can travel far. When the lava is very thick, it creates a more familiar cone volcano shape. And when the lava is extremely thick, it can build up in the volcano and EXPLODE.

How thick is that lava that's building beneath the surface for you? 


You are allowed to take a yoga class instead of taking your kid to a birthday party. You are allowed to sign up for juice boxes for the class party and not to bake homemade cupcakes. You can send New Years cards instead of Christmas cards or an email instead. You can pull back on Christmas gifts and not put yourself in major debt. You can relax, take a bath, take a yoga class, and have lunch with a girlfriend.

IT'S YOUR LIFE. Stop being too busy to enjoy it.

Listen up Magma Mamas. Before you BLOW.


Want To Have A Stress Free Holiday? Take The Christmas Pledge!

Have you heard of the Christmas Pledge?

So many things are going on over the holidays it's hard to really enjoy it and really feel what it's all about. The idea of the Christmas Pledge is so brilliant I can't take it. The idea is by The Art Of Doing Stuff but I read it on: 3 Peanuts.

You do the WORK of Christmas in November so you can ENJOY CHRISTMAS! WHAT A CONCEPT!!!

I am doing my best to get EVERYTHING done in November, attacking a little day by day. The wrapping will be my toughest challenge to make myself get done but I need to do it so the gifts look amazing. Sometimes at the end of my marathon, end of December wrapping sessions things look nutty! LOL

How about you? Want to take the Christmas Pledge? How do you handle all of the holiday craziness?


Halloween Party Ideas 2015!

Every year we have a big Halloween Trick or Treat Party and every year it gets bigger and better!

This year I am having a Mexican food theme (dia de los muertos!). Here's my menu:


Fabulous tamales from Corn Maiden
(My favorite is the roasted green chile and smoked gouda!)


Individual 7 later dips (from Pink Pistachio)

Main course:

Mexican Street Corn Salad (from Love Bakes Good Cakes)

Chicken Enchilada Casserole (from Gimme Some Oven)


White Chocolate Candycorn Blondies (from Averie Cooks)

And for the kids?
Quesadillas, Chicken nuggets and this skeleton crudites!!

Of course I am always looking to amp up the fun as well! Here are some amazing activities I am thinking about doing!

Pumpkin Bowling (from The Polo House)

Making Candy Corn Rocks (from Audiz Creations)

And maybe a Mini Haunted house??

More on that later!

Are you hosting a party? What's your plan?


What Do Your Kids Think Of You As A Parent? Interview them!

I love this idea from Joy In My Kitchen and I think it's brilliant!

Want to know what your kids think of you as a parent?  Or how much they know about you? It's fun to get their perspective.

Now this also may open a bit of a Pandoras Box...try to learn from it and not beat yourself up. After all being a Mom is TOUGH.

I'm going to interview mine and report back. Either way a fun experiment. TRY IT!

1. What is something I always say to you?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What was I like as a child?

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you’re not around?

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?

14. What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?

16. If I were a character, who would I be?

17. What do we enjoy doing together?

18. How are we the same?

19. How are we different?

20. How do you know I love you?

21. What do I like most about dad?

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

23. How old was I when you were born? - See more at:
--> 1. What is something I always say to you?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What was I like as a child?

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you’re not around?

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?

14. What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?

16. If I were a character, who would I be?

17. What do we enjoy doing together?

18. How are we the same?

19. How are we different?

20. How do you know I love you?

21. What do I like most about dad?

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

23. How old was I when you were born?

 Let me know how it goes!!!!
1. What is something I always say to you?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What was I like as a child?

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you’re not around?

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?

14. What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?

16. If I were a character, who would I be?

17. What do we enjoy doing together?

18. How are we the same?

19. How are we different?

20. How do you know I love you?

21. What do I like most about dad?

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

23. How old was I when you were born? - See more at:

Mom Interview: Questions for A Fresh Perspective

I do not take credit for coming up with this idea. Apparently the questions have been making rounds within the web, though I only became aware of them recently. Enjoy! A printable copy is included at the end.
1. What is something I always say to you?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What was I like as a child?

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you’re not around?

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?

14. What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?

16. If I were a character, who would I be?

17. What do we enjoy doing together?

18. How are we the same?

19. How are we different?

20. How do you know I love you?

21. What do I like most about dad?

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

23. How old was I when you were born?
- See more at:

Mom Interview: Questions for A Fresh Perspective

I do not take credit for coming up with this idea. Apparently the questions have been making rounds within the web, though I only became aware of them recently. Enjoy! A printable copy is included at the end.
1. What is something I always say to you?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What makes me sad?

4. How do I make you laugh?

5. What was I like as a child?

6. How old am I?

7. How tall am I?

8. What is my favorite thing to do?

9. What do I do when you’re not around?

10. If I become famous, what will it be for?

11. What am I really good at?

12. What am I not very good at?

13. What do I do for a job?

14. What is my favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of me?

16. If I were a character, who would I be?

17. What do we enjoy doing together?

18. How are we the same?

19. How are we different?

20. How do you know I love you?

21. What do I like most about dad?

22. Where is my favorite place to go?

23. How old was I when you were born?
- See more at:


When Mom's Attack

Don't ever underestimate a mom. 

We have been through a lot and I don't just mean surviving high school. We have been brought to the brink of our sanity in many ways. Forgetful husbands, ungrateful kids, homework, meal planning, carpooling, and just trying to work out one or two times a week. We are the plate spinners you see in the circus.

We are tired and were PISSED.

Which is why it's easy to have a disagreement. Whether it's on the fundraising committee for your school in the carpool line, in the office, or in your spin class, some mom is trying to piss us off.

And sometimes we attack. We can't help ourselves. Sometimes it feels good to just go off the deep end.

I've been guilty of this. I have attacked on mom on occasion. While it offers some initial relief. Afterwards I just end up feeling awful. Like a mean bully. I've been on the other end of that as well and it is really heartbreaking and infuriating.

But what if?

What if we all assumed, just by virtue of being mothers, that we are doing the best we can and have the best of intentions. That we're all in this crazy mess together. That there is no need to tear another woman down because, in essence you're tearing us all down. Let's face it moms are running the world. And we are raising the next generation of mothers.

When we attack another mom or bully another mom, or hurt another mom what are we showing our girls?

Disagreements can be mended and fixed. You know what can't be fixed? Terminal cancer. The death of a child. Divorce.

I knew a mom in preschool once. She was lovely. She was a good mother. And she died of cancer. Her Facebook page is still there. Sometimes it comes up on my feed. I want to write something to her. Instead I just remember I'm lucky to be alive. And so are you.

So before that disagreement with that mom becomes out of control... Fix it... Mend it.... Talk it out. 

Treat her like you would want to be treated.

Or like you wish you were treated...

Because when you attack one attack us ALL. 


Back To School? Back To YOU!

Every Fall, once the kids are back in school and my sanity starts to return, I remember to put myself back on the list.

I start to remember that I MATTER.

And one of the ways I treat myself is.....
to treat myself like a well oiled machine and take myself in for maintenance!!
Dentist, gyno, mole check, physical and mammogram all happen in September and October ( just in time for breast cancer awareness month!)

Back to school is a good time to remember to take care of yourself. After all if you weren't here who would do everything!?

Take this time to book all your appointments. Get a TUNE UP.

No excuses.

And throw a Mani/ Pedi and massage in there too.

Why not? You deserve it!!

Happy Back To You!


It Didn't Turn Out Like She Wanted

My Grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. Although she lived a long life, it still hit me hard. She was my last living grandparent, the end of an era for me. I was so thankful she had spent time with my kids, but selfishly, I felt old. I was no longer was somebody's grandbaby.

The funeral, in my gorgeous hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina, was a nice tribute to her. She was a war bride, had many friends and was a devout christian. I was barely able to stop crying. I was just so SAD she was gone.

Then my Father said something that, at the time, made it even worse.

 "Well, it didn't turn out like she wanted." 

I was FLOORED. It was devastating to me. She had spent her life as a devoted friend, wife, mom and christian and still....I wasn't even sure what my Father meant by it. I didn't ask. It just struck me. What were her dreams? Goals? What had she hoped for?

When I die would people say the same about me?

Part of "Losing My Fabulous" was this feeling of being LOST. Not knowing what direction to go in next. Feeling stuck. Feeling unsatisfied. Feeling unmotivated and depressed. Nothing seemed to be working. Was this my destiny?

On my way home to LA I became MORE sad, until two women magically came into my life on my travels home.

One gave me a great idea.  She took something I had been thinking about and made me think of it in a BIGGER WAY.

And the other, made me feel loved enough to follow through with it. She let me know that the universe was on my side.

These divine encounters, and a meeting with some of my key board members has lead me to launch: WARRIOR MOM.

It encompasses the way I have been feeling, things I have written about and all my passions. I hope you'll follow along and see where this takes me. Where it takes US!
Thank you for always supporting me and encouraging me and sharing your stories! I hope I am inspiring you, making you think, and prompting you to action.

Stay tuned for more on THE WARRIOR MOMS by following on Instagram and Twitter. This is going to be BIG.



I'm going to tell you something. I'm like the rest of you. I have a to do list a mile long. I am constantly feeling like I can never get it all done. There is always more emails to answer, work to be done, laundry to clean, and bills to pay. It's ENDLESS.

Knowing this you'd think I'd let myself off the hook? NOOOOOO.....I don't cut myself a break. I do what I am told, go where I am asked, and wake up and do it all over again. Lot's of responsibility and no taking care of myself.

I can remember a very tearful Wynona Judd telling Oprah she forgot to put herself on the list. She had been through so many bad things and struggles and was not taking care of herself. Hence her weight gain and other issues.

The other day I got sick of myself.

I let the living room by messy. I let the laundry pile up. I let those emails go un answered.

And I took a walk. I exercised. It felt great.

And then I did something REALLY RADICAL.


The pool I NEVER go in because:
I don't want to get my hair wet. I don't have enough time. I need to do laundry. The kids are splashing too much. I don't want anyone to see me in a bathing suit. I don't want to put on a bathing suit. It's too cold. It's too hot....and on and on.


I got my damn hair wet too. That pool has been sitting in my back yard for years and I can count on one hand the number of times I have swam in that thing. What the heck??

I am so busy trying to be there for my kids, husband, job, house I will put anything on the list before myself. A swim in the pool was just too indulgent. PLEASE.

Lot's of women will do NOTHING for themselves. They literally have to be FORCED to. You may not have a pool but you know what I am talking about. When is the last time you: READ A DAMN BOOK? CALLED A DAMN FRIEND YOU WANT TO TALK TO? WENT TO A DAMN MOVIE? HAD LUNCH WITH A DAMN GOOD FRIEND?

Well I want you to DO IT TODAY. Put yourself at the top of the list and feel DAMN PROUD you did. I'm giving you permission. And tell that voice in your head it better KEEP IT'S DAMN MOUTH SHUT!


Leaving Perfection Behind and Embracing Your Broken-ness

I used to covet perfection. The perfect outfit, party, relationship all the surface things. It wasn't that I didn't have depth, it was just that I liked things to be just...PERFECT.

As I got older I started realizing this was getting tougher and tougher to accomplish. After a perfect wedding to a perfect husband I went through some very imperfect infertility. It made me question everything in my life. I thought getting pregnant would be a snap. Not so much.

After in vitro and finally getting pregnant I got back to my usually perfect ways with the perfect baby shower. Little did I know what was around the corner. My perfectionism was about to get it's REAL rude awakening. I thought I had it all back together but....

Having Landon changed all of that. When you have a child who is born with an issue of any sort, especially an ongoing one, or one that is life changing, it takes the perfectionism you're suffering from and just throws it up against the wall and smashes it.

Even when Landon came home with a less than perfect right arm I still longed for perfection. I tried to get back on the perfection horse. It was no use.

Over the last few really tough years in finances, marriage, kids and life....I have come to appreciate: BROKEN-NESS.

In people, animals, things...all of it.

There was a Lilly Pulitzer store going out of business, the woman was so upset, beautiful store and she couldn't keep it going...she was selling EVERYTHING. She was humiliated but called me to come in and buy. I looked at a fog necklace and she said oh you don't want that, it only has one foot. It's broken.

Guess what:

I bought it.

Turns out the broken-ness is the good stuff.

Some of my best friends have been broken in many ways, and still are, and it's what makes me LOVE them, relate to them and able to have the best conversations. They don't wear their broken-ness like victims, they choose to share it when they feel it's important. Life is not our perfect Facebook posts, and instagram pictures. Life is really TOUGH. It breaks us. That broken-ness pulls us together and let's us connect. Don't hide that broken-ness. That is what makes you who you are.

Embracing my broken-ness is not easy. It's hard to admit when things are going BAD. GETTING WORSE and seem UNFIXABLE. But if that's where you are. That's where YOU ARE. It's not forever. It will change and evolve. 

Looking down at my frog necklace reminds me were all BROKEN in one way or another. Does this mean I'm going to stop monogramming things? Dressing up? Setting a pretty table? HELL NO. It means that when someone admits their BROKEN-NESS to me I will share my own. And when I feel broken and scared I will share this with my closest friends and get comfort.


Now THAT'S what makes a WARRIOR WOMAN!


Who's On Your Board? Why You Need A Personal Board Of Directors

Do you have a personal board of directors? If not YOU NEED ONE!

Whenever I am at a place of change, renewal or just STUCK IN A RUT, I consult my board. Yes I have my own personal board of directors in my life. I may not meet with them all at once, or take all of their advice, but they are guiding, encouraging and inspiring me. They might not even KNOW they're doing it!

I came up with this idea after sharing my ideas with the WRONG people. When you share your ideas and dreams with a NON BOARD MEMBER, you are left unsupported, discouraged and depressed. The negativity will KILL YOUR CREATIVITY and WRECK YOUR FUTURE. Sound dramatic? It is! THIS IS SERIOUS! THIS IS YOUR LIFE!!!

This is why you need a Personal Board Of Directors.

Here's how it works:

You are going to select 10 people to be on your board. The people do not need to know each other, live near by, or talk to you every day. The key is to get 10 diverse people. 10 people who you admire, look up to, and feel understand you deeply. 10 diverse people from different walks of life. These people may not be your best friends. For example, one lady on my board is MY EYEBROW LADY. She is like a Dali Llama of perfect advice and encouragement. Think outside the box!

Get out a piece of paper and start creating your board list. Remember you don't have to TELL ANYONE who is on your board or if they're on your board. This is a list of people you can SHARE YOUR IDEAS with and get positive feedback. They can help you create and achieve a VISION FOR YOUR LIFE.

Usually family members are NOT board members but there are always exceptions to that rule. My sister in law is on my board and always helps me to see the future more clearly. She knows me and knows what would be good for me.

Once your have your list (you can even start with a board of 3 people until you find your full board), keep it in a special place to refer to. When you are having trouble in your life, or are wanting to make a big change or a wonderful opportunity comes your way you can ask a board members advice and weigh your choices. It's great knowing you are supported no matter what!

The board can change, and grow as you do. You can kick someone off the board if you need to! That's why it's best to NOT TELL THEM THEY'RE ON IT! 

Remember this:

AMAZING people—those worthy of being personal board members—tend to be unusually generous with their time. They give of themselves for the development of others. This level of generosity requires that you be highly selective about when to call on them. For daily or noncritical decisions,  do not contact your board members. Keep the list of your board members easily accessible (on the wall, in a wallet, in your nightstand) and make sure when you call on them you are ready to present something or get big advice. Otherwise you can hold imaginary board meetings, envisioning what each board member might say about a given situation.  

Who's worthy enough to be on your board?


DON'T SUCK IT UP- the passing of a Mom Blogger

When I learned of Leslies passing I was in SHOCK.

I have been reading her blog, A Blonde Ambition, on and off for a while. I knew she was having heart issues but, she DIED?

There is an instagram post from a week ago.

There are two young babies.

There is a husband.


This is hitting me on so many levels.

First- I have developed heart issues. I am on heart meds and need to take better care of myself. BECAUSE I DON'T.

Second, Leslie was so grateful. In the hospital, away from her girls for weeks and months, and she was a grateful happy person. The kind of person who should be around a long time to be an example for others. She was even grateful for her health.

Leslie understood being someones cheerleader was really important:

"One of the things this little medical fiasco has also shown me is the importance of encouraging others who may be going through tough things. The emails, words of encouragement and prayer have been so appreciated, and it has been a great reminder that I need to do more of that for others. I'd love to be able to incorporate the blog into that somehow and I'm excited to explore that idea more. We could all use our own personal cheerleaders sometimes, don't you think?"

Leslie offers up a warning here in THIS POST. That if you are feeling TIRED. REALLY TIRED. And you don't really have a reason to be SO TIRED, it could be a heart problem. She was a new mom, exhausted like the rest of us. She knew she was REALLY TIRED and instead told herself to keep pushing. SUCK IT UP she told herself.


"If you are more tired than normal, if something just doesn't feel right, if you feel like you can't get enough sleep even though you technically are - SAY SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING. WAVE THE WHITE FLAG. I didn't. I just thought I was tired from chasing a toddler and caring for an 8-week-old. I thought I just needed to suck it up, drink some caffeine and stop complaining.
In reality, I was having major heart trouble."

She just had a baby months ago. They will never again get to have their Mother. This kills me. 

Donate to the girls college and wedding fund here: GO FUND ME

And read Leslies Blog and learn from her. Learn about her. Pass on what she's telling us.

And hug your babies. 

And be grateful.


Get your heart checked regularly. If you're TIRED and you know something is wrong...... DON'T SUCK IT UP.


Finding My Fabulous- It's The Little Quiet Things That Make You Happy

With my non fabulous self in tow, I headed to the beach. I needed a break.
I needed:

I started to feel BETTER. Still there was something NOT QUITE RIGHT. I know there's more digging to do. More excavating....

With all the bad stuff that seemed to eat me alive, I started noticing that it was the little things that were making me feel happy. Things like:

My old dog feeling like her old self playing frisbee....

The kids doing a puzzle quietly together.....

And a sunset.....

I'm slowly building on the little things, learning to de stress, and CALM DOWN. Deep breaths.....#SummerSlowDown2015 is my hashtag. See all my slow down moments on Instagram here ONE FABULOUS MOM.

Thanks for your encouragement. It helps when I know what worked for you!


Lost My Fabulous- Trying to get it back!


I Lost My Fabulous.

I don't know how it happened.

That's not true. I do. I guess I don't know the exact moment. Sometime, in the middle of working, tending to family, volunteering, socializing, dealing with friendship dynamics, family dynamics, dealing with minor crises, dealing with major crises, dealing with people with bad attitudes, hearing unkind words, financial issues and just bad juju.....

I lost my fabulous.

I didn't think I had really lost it all together. Even amidst emotionally devastating happenings I was able to still bounce back a little. Go out to dinner. Put on the Lilly Pulitzer....

But then my heart was broken. My dreams were dashed. Things got worse. And soon, looking around and then looking in the mirror. I realized: I lost my fabulous.

You may think this is funny coming from One Fabulous Mom. And truthfully I started this blog because I was feeling less than Fabulous and wanted to get it back.

But things have piled up too big to ignore. And my heart is broken. So friends, no more fabulous. And I have to face it. After all the definition of crisis is: a difficult or dangerous situation that needs serious attention. And so, this does.

I'm hoping I can get it back. Right now I have no clue how. But since I know some if you are in the same boat...I'll keep you posted. I'll take you on my journey. And if you have lost your fabulous you are not alone. And if you are getting it back I applaud you. And if you never lost it, trust me one day you will.

So let's do this together. Join me on my journey  Find My Fabulous. Stay tuned...


Where have I been? I joined the BAND! The Mrs Band #ImEnough Movement

I've been on such a whirl wind the last few months I finally just had to sit down and write this post! It all started with this:

Have you seen this #ImEnough video? It touched my heart! Don't we all feel that? Don't we all want to say: "I'M ENOUGH!" This video has been viewed more than 5 million times across the world! That's when I learned that The Mrs Band was more than a band. It was a movement! An all girl band, a band of WOMEN, who were still dreaming and inspiring. They bring the Magic Mirror across the country changing women's lives and their inner voices!

Low and behold The Mrs was releasing a NEW song for Mother's Day called "You Told Me". The lyrics say it all:

I love this song. It really speaks to the complicated relationship Mothers and Daughters have. The Mrs held an amazing song launch event in NYC and I was THERE! It was at the Top Of The Rock at Rockefeller Center with Jenny McCarthy as our host and benefiting Dress For Success!

Jenny couldn't have been more down to earth and SWEET! Just loved her. The Mrs treated us tired Moms to a fabulous night out with cocktails by Deep Eddy Vodka, decor by Red Velvet Events and earrings from Kendra Scott!

And they even brought their Magic Mirror!!!! Quite a magical experience!

The Mrs Band played their new song and everyone loved it! A huge success!

Aren't they gorgeous!!!???

Now I'm a devoted fan of The Mrs. Women who make music for people my age? THANK YOU!!!!! I'm on board! Watch their new video and download their new single!