
Lost My Fabulous- Trying to get it back!


Suburban prep said...

Thanks for the smile

Sandra said...

You'll always be fabulous in my book! XOXO

Maureen said...

Stay strong and true.

Unknown said...

Even lying on the floor you'd be fabulous. Your show hasn't stopped you're just in intermission. XO Love ya.

Ouiser B. said...

Sending lots of fabulousness your way from the East Coast. Fabulous is a state of mind, one that you have at your core. I know you'll find it again. Until then, Rose is a great answer. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Second what Cole wrote in your last post, past two years in my life has totally thrown me for a loop in the worst way on so many fronts...having been raised in pretty pampered environment , I feel blessed I've only had to deal with this in my fifties.... You are fabulous and everything passes in it's own time. Prayers and good vibes your way. You are so strong !
- Linda, ny