
DON'T SUCK IT UP- the passing of a Mom Blogger

When I learned of Leslies passing I was in SHOCK.

I have been reading her blog, A Blonde Ambition, on and off for a while. I knew she was having heart issues but, she DIED?

There is an instagram post from a week ago.

There are two young babies.

There is a husband.


This is hitting me on so many levels.

First- I have developed heart issues. I am on heart meds and need to take better care of myself. BECAUSE I DON'T.

Second, Leslie was so grateful. In the hospital, away from her girls for weeks and months, and she was a grateful happy person. The kind of person who should be around a long time to be an example for others. She was even grateful for her health.

Leslie understood being someones cheerleader was really important:

"One of the things this little medical fiasco has also shown me is the importance of encouraging others who may be going through tough things. The emails, words of encouragement and prayer have been so appreciated, and it has been a great reminder that I need to do more of that for others. I'd love to be able to incorporate the blog into that somehow and I'm excited to explore that idea more. We could all use our own personal cheerleaders sometimes, don't you think?"

Leslie offers up a warning here in THIS POST. That if you are feeling TIRED. REALLY TIRED. And you don't really have a reason to be SO TIRED, it could be a heart problem. She was a new mom, exhausted like the rest of us. She knew she was REALLY TIRED and instead told herself to keep pushing. SUCK IT UP she told herself.


"If you are more tired than normal, if something just doesn't feel right, if you feel like you can't get enough sleep even though you technically are - SAY SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING. WAVE THE WHITE FLAG. I didn't. I just thought I was tired from chasing a toddler and caring for an 8-week-old. I thought I just needed to suck it up, drink some caffeine and stop complaining.
In reality, I was having major heart trouble."

She just had a baby months ago. They will never again get to have their Mother. This kills me. 

Donate to the girls college and wedding fund here: GO FUND ME

And read Leslies Blog and learn from her. Learn about her. Pass on what she's telling us.

And hug your babies. 

And be grateful.


Get your heart checked regularly. If you're TIRED and you know something is wrong...... DON'T SUCK IT UP.


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

This has hit me really hard too. Those babies. It's just so so sad. And I am completely with you. I could take better care of myself and I'm going to. I owe it to those mamas who can't hold their little ones anymore. I can just walk over and pick one of mine up for a good squeeze. To say life is a gift isn't enough.

Cas said...

Such a great post. I too am shocked by her passing, but so appreciate what a sweet blog friend she was. xo

Jen said...

Her passing hit me so hard as well. Unbelievable. I will echo her sentiments... For months last summer, I convinced myself I did not have a giant bump protruding out of my abdomen. Moms are too busy bussing their kids around, they don't have time to go to the doctors! A few months later I find out its stage 4 lymphoma. Moms need to take care of themselves too!

Suburban prep said...

I am sorry for the passing.
I am probably one of the few that did not know of this blog.
Prayers for her family and prayers for you and your health and those for Jen

prince snow farm said...

This was very sad. Certainly a lesson in LIVE LIFE EVERY DAY!!