
Shine, Share and Get A Mammogram!

Shine and Share Foundation

13th Annual Shine and Share
to Benefit October's
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hey everyone, just one week left till the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

My friend Heather was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in May.

She's a young Mom in her 30's with two boys with no family history at all.
She just finished Chemotherapy and will embark on her Radiation
road later this month. Since Heather is under 40 and did not have
Breast Cancer in her family she felt "safe". But we learned
it is never too early to schedule a quick and easy
breast exam or mammogram. It just might save your life.

In light of Heather's journey this year I want to help

spread some Love and Awareness towards this very worthy cause.

Below are 3 easy ways you can help!

Thanks so much,
You're the Breast!

One Fabulous Mom,
Heather and Morgan

Due to the fact that we are trying to support outside

groups we want to be able to keep track of supporters,
so please e-mail us so we can add your name
to our "sweet supporters" list.

Option 2

Shop and Support

(Enjoy buying items knowing that proceeds go to Breast Cancer)

Option 3



Change starts with our Open Hearts

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