
Fall Clothes- What The Heck Should I Wear?

I am a Summer girl. 

Give me Lilly Pulitzer, pink and green, and my Bonanos and I am a happy camper.

Fall sometimes confuses me. Mostly it's my rebellion to want the summer to go on FOREVER. I know all of you loving your pumpkin spiced this and that, but really give me an ocean breeze and that's all I need. 


The other problem is that California gets cold....but not that cold.
For instance it was 80 degrees today. You can't just put on your pink and green, you have to be Fallish- in the heat!

Tomorrow I will be having the one and only KIKI, my amazing Gap expert and Gal Pal give me a little guidance! Do not miss this post!

What are you wearing this Fall? I want to know!


Michelle said...

I feel you pain (though I love Fall.) It gets warm here most days...high 80s today! I have found more lighter tops and jeans with cut accessories to try to pull me through Fall without melting. It is hard, though!!! I never seem to have enough "in between" season clothes.

sfitzg2 said...

Fall is crazy here in Colorado! It has already snowed but this weekend it was 80 - layers on top and ballet flats for shoes is what I'm wearing.

Jen said...

We have the same weather. I've been wearing skirts and cropped pants with short sleeved tops. I tried boots one day and my legs practically dripped in sweat (sorry for the image.)

Melissa said...

I love fall! It's my favorite!

I'm in CT, so I'm wearing jeans, dresses with leggings, and lots of cardigans

The 5 Bickies said...

I am loving the change in weather....feel so cozy in layers. I am wearing the Lilly SHERE ruffled sweaters (black, pink, and turquoise), Boden and CAbi. Happy, Happy, Happy!

Looking forward to tomorrow's post!

Suburban Princess said...

We went from summer temps last weekend to autumn temps now - sooo I can finally get my critter cords and sweater out of hibernation :O)

Sarah Brooke said...

80 degrees in VA today too!

Solar Powered said...

Oh I'm right there with you. Give me my kelly green shorts, a nautical top, and flip flops with tan feet anyday. Fall Shmall...never have understood the hype. I bought 3 open front cardis, some dark jeans, and gold flats...it works in a crunch.

prince snow farm said...

Don't fret...even here in Massachusetts its still been relatively warm...80's on the weekend...70 on my way home today.I'm still wearing skirts, tees, swtr thrown over...bare legs...etc...I'll wait for November for tights, cords, sweaters...