
The Patient

I have a little patient at home again. After yesterday's surgery, he came through once again like a champ. I am amazed at what he goes through, and the happy attitude he has!!! As you can see Monkey, Orange Guy and Dr. Bear all have blue casts in solidarity.

Doctor says we will be out of school for TWO WEEKS. Feel free to offer up suggestions of what I am going to do with this guy!


"Cookie" said...

So awesome that he can have a big 'ole smile like that on his face! And good luck with the 2 weeks!! :)

lizziefitz said...

Landon is such a trooper! Board games , movies, books and visitors?

lizziefitz said...

Landon is such a trooper! Board games , movies, books and visitors?

Unknown said...

What a happy patient! Good luck having him home for two weeks...you will have definitely earned a medal (or several glasses of wine) after the two weeks is up.

sfitzg2 said...

Love that smile! I hope everything heals up quickly!

HEA Bookshelf said...

he is so cute!! love his smiling face!! and loved how his friends have casts too!!

Lin said...

Aw, what a cutie! I'm glad he's doing well & I love that his plush pals are also sporting casts. So cute.

Suburban Princess said...

Awwww! I love the little animal casts :O)

When you say he cant go to school...does that mean he cant go out at all? Lunches are out of the question? Movies?

Bridget said...

Maybe you can start reading to him a cool series of some kind of chapter books that might appeal to him. My Caroline is loving the American Girl series and I love them too so it's our special time to read together. Will keep thinking for good boy recommendations - Harry Potter probably too old. Maybe some Magic Treehouses? I'll keep thinking...
So happy he sailed through his surgeries xoxo

Twilson9608 said...

Children are so amazingly strong! He is such a doll and looks fantastic! We have been praying for him here in the QC! Love from our family to yours!

nanny said...

hey friend....long time no see....blogging (not often)...following you on twitter!

So glad your little patient is doing well!

Bridget said...

I thought of something else... go to the library and get some I Spy books. My kids LOVED these books and truth be told they still do. They are fun to do together and definitely good quiet time. It is actually challenging too and something you will probably need to do together. I think he will love it :)

just ask beth said...

Sweet Landon..Blessings for a quick recovery!!

Lori said...

He is one extraordinary kid!!! Hope he's feeling strong soon and I hope the next two weeks are wonderful! :)