
Halloween Pumpkin Decorating Ideas! What I'll Be Trying!

I'm no Martha but I am determined to make an even bigger Halloween Decorating effort! Here are some things I think I might try!

I am noticing that painted pumpkins are even cuter than carved ones! This one is too cute!

I am running out tomorrow to find buttons for this!!

I think this could be fun to even do with the kids!

Can pumpkins be sexy?! LOL

Whoooo wouldn't love this?

And finally.. Just Gorgeous!


Shine, Share and Get A Mammogram!

Shine and Share Foundation

13th Annual Shine and Share
to Benefit October's
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Hey everyone, just one week left till the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

My friend Heather was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in May.

She's a young Mom in her 30's with two boys with no family history at all.
She just finished Chemotherapy and will embark on her Radiation
road later this month. Since Heather is under 40 and did not have
Breast Cancer in her family she felt "safe". But we learned
it is never too early to schedule a quick and easy
breast exam or mammogram. It just might save your life.

In light of Heather's journey this year I want to help

spread some Love and Awareness towards this very worthy cause.

Below are 3 easy ways you can help!

Thanks so much,
You're the Breast!

One Fabulous Mom,
Heather and Morgan

Due to the fact that we are trying to support outside

groups we want to be able to keep track of supporters,
so please e-mail us so we can add your name
to our "sweet supporters" list.

Option 2

Shop and Support

(Enjoy buying items knowing that proceeds go to Breast Cancer)

Option 3



Change starts with our Open Hearts


Halloween Week! Menu Planning For My Halloween Party

My annual (haha this is the 2nd time!) Trick or Treat Party is on Halloween and I am a busy bee on Pinterest looking for inspiration and menu planning!

There will be 12 kids, 14 adults and 2 babies!

Adult Menu:

Fancy grilled cheeses:
1) Ham and swiss with dijon mustard on Rye
2) Pesto, Goat cheese, and portabello mushroom on pumpernickle
3) smoked gouda and tomato on wheat
4) Gruyere, apple, and carmelized onion on potato bread

Tomato Basil Salad

Devils on Horseback

Sheila's Green Olive dip in a pumpkin

Kids menu:

English Mummies

Candy Corn Pizzas


Pumpkin Cake

RIP Pudding

Witches Hat Cookies

Mini Pumpkins

Most of these recipes can be found at: http://www.familyfun.go.com!


Fall Fashion Week! What to wear: Guest Post By Beth Dunn! Social Climbers Novelist and Fashionably Preppy!

Fall is my version of New Years. The cooler air feels like a fresh start! Summer is so busy but when the boys are back to school I motivate to build my wardrobe, try a great new nail polish color and find the perfect black driving shoe.

This fall I've been obsessed with finding what were called "Cowl neck" sweaters when I was a child. I love a boxy sweater to pair with my fun printed cigarette pants. As a mother of two young active son's--I spend a lot of time outside. If I'm not wearing my fur sweater with riding pants I think it's totally appropriate to wear long sleeve wool dresses with riding boots. I have cashmere scarfs in every color and no outfit is complete without an arm full of bracelets. The nice part of the sweater dress is once home from a day of hiking I can just change the boots into my new green suede Lilly Pulitzer wedges and I'm good to go. Once the babysitter has ordered pizza Husband and I can attend a fund raiser or go out for dinner.

I don't change my purses daily but I have so many fun brown, orange, and yellow bags I have to switch every few weeks. When I wear jeans (which is next to never) , I dress them up with a cashmere sweater and ballet flats. Another way I'll wear jeans is with a silk ruffled blouse, a cardigan and open toe heels.

Beginning in August I collect J. Crew catalogs, Lilly Pulitzer catalogs and search the internet for Kate Spade, JM, and Lesley Evers. I try to figure out where I have gaps in my wardrobe for example if I have a pair of pants I love but nothing that looks good on top. Then I begin the shopping!!!!

Collars up


You can spend even more time with the Fabulous Beth Dunn by reading her Blog Social Climbers!


Fall Fashion Week! What to wear: Guest Post By Kiki! Fashionista and Shopping Professional!

When One Fabulous Mom asked me to write a Fall Fashion post my first thought was, “WHAT?!?!”  I am after all, not a “fashion blogger” though I’d like to be, I’m also not the ideal size of a fashionista, though I’d like to be and I definitely do not have the budget of said fashionista, though I’d like to.

But then I thought about what I love is just beautiful clothes, clothes that make me feel good about myself, that transform me into whatever I may be feeling like at the moment.  I love that when I am helping someone shop and they come out of the fitting room in something they feel good in...they light up.  That moment....I love that moment.

So for Fall I thought about what I love most is layers, denim and warmth/coziness in my clothes.  I love tights with booties and skirts and volume on top and narrow at the bottom and I collected items I think reflect not only what I’d like to wear but at prices I felt were reasonable.

The dress above is a rusched sweater dress from Target, I’m sorry I didn’t copy the price but the pic is straight from their website.

The next item, a classic trench, from Target, in a darling plaid, is waterproof and so unexpected from me-I shy away from prints normally but where a coat like this is concerned I might have to ignore my own rule.  The only thing I wish about this coat, is that it were lined with some pink fabric....wouldn’t that be perfect?

The last jacket is also Target and military inspired, layered with a bright scarf, skirt, tight and booties or boots = perfection!!

So on to denim and full disclosure:  I work for Gap, I’m the GM of a small store in the South and have worked for the company (started in NY) for the past 23 years.  So it should go without saying that where denim is concerned I’m all Gap, all the time.  I’ve explored the other brands and guess what....they just cost more.  I’ve worn Gap jeans forever and I love them.  Of course if you have a brand that you are loyal too-I get it- shape, cut and fabric are what we are looking for here.

These jeans are the Italian Denim legging, at $69.95 I think they are amazing.  The fit and style is incredible and remember-I’m curvy and still love these!! 

Long sleeve tees are my go-to for every day....I swear by the Gap because they have a little bit of modal in them which helps them hold their shape and wash beautifully!!!

Ok...here is the deal with these jeans...they are my favorites-but not the way they show them.  I buy them a little big, like a size too big and cuff them so they look kind of boyfriend-y.  The Real Straights at Gap are definitely in heavy rotation here, done with a ballet flat and  something like the sweater below.

So in love with this...I’m all swoon-y over its sweetness/girliness/coziness!!!  Found on Piperlime, mostly because I love that you can shop so many different businesses without ever leaving the site-then easy checkout for EVERYTHING!!!
And note the arm prettiness.  I’m constantly on the lookout for new bracelets to layer with my old school men’s Timex watch. 

This bag is Melie Bianco...which I had never heard of until I was on another blog and the girl was posting her OOTD and was holding this bag.  Since the Birkin that I lust after is unaffordable this bag gives me the look I’m going for.  Plus, I love BIG bags, I’m a big girl, I feel like I need a big bag!!!

Via Spiga shoes.  Found on Piperlime.  Not in the budget but so lusty, no?

This skirt is absolutely going to be my Fall/Winter staple...I LOVE it!!!  So soft, so comfy and easy to wear!!!  Again, at Gap and completely affordable.  I think its between $35 and $40.

The Gap Ribbed Tank.  If you wore this tank in the past and were disappointed....don’t be fooled.  Gap took note and redesigned it and brought it back this year better than other tank out there!!!  Pinky swear.  Get one and you will not regret it, the perfect mix of stretch and comfort-LOVE!

So here I am in two of my fave Fall outfits and I realize I left out a great blazer on my collection but honestly...I find it hard to find one that fits my body and my (apparently) ridiculously long arms.  This was the boyfriend blazer from Gap last year, striped long sleeve tee, boyfriend-y jeans and ballet flats-such an easy outfit to wear all day at work!!

Again....an outfit from last year. 


But a cowl...that’ll I do in a hot second.  This one was a tee shirt material and I bought it in every neutral color there was, again in cuffed jeans.  I love this top because it is so lightweight and easy to layer and wear with jeans or skirts-I’m excited to pull these outfits out of storage and get to wearing the comfy cozy-ness that scream FALL!!!

So friends, what are you looking forward to?  The outfit you rely on when nothing else is working and where do you shop when you want to feel really good??

You can follow Kiki and her adventures on her blog: http://kikbee.blogspot.com/


Fall Clothes- What The Heck Should I Wear?

I am a Summer girl. 

Give me Lilly Pulitzer, pink and green, and my Bonanos and I am a happy camper.

Fall sometimes confuses me. Mostly it's my rebellion to want the summer to go on FOREVER. I know all of you loving your pumpkin spiced this and that, but really give me an ocean breeze and that's all I need. 


The other problem is that California gets cold....but not that cold.
For instance it was 80 degrees today. You can't just put on your pink and green, you have to be Fallish- in the heat!

Tomorrow I will be having the one and only KIKI, my amazing Gap expert and Gal Pal give me a little guidance! Do not miss this post!

What are you wearing this Fall? I want to know!


Veuve Cliquot Polo Match

The Mr and I decided to have a fabulous preppy date out to the Veuve Cliquot Polo match (before Landon's last surgery). It was a gorgeous day and people in Los Angeles really dressed the part! Had to snap a few pics of the whole scene.

Hubby and I had a fabulous time....

And seeing Nacho Figueroa, wasn't bad either!!!


The Patient

I have a little patient at home again. After yesterday's surgery, he came through once again like a champ. I am amazed at what he goes through, and the happy attitude he has!!! As you can see Monkey, Orange Guy and Dr. Bear all have blue casts in solidarity.

Doctor says we will be out of school for TWO WEEKS. Feel free to offer up suggestions of what I am going to do with this guy!


Menu Planning Monday!

Who's with me! Let's do this! (I can see how excited you are). I swear this saves a ton of time and energy, not to mention MONEY! Let me know if you post your menus so I can see new things to try! Keep in mind it's supposed to be 90 degrees here next week!!

Monday: Greek Salad, Baked chicken, Taboule

Tuesday: Pesto Mushroom Goat Cheese Pizza and Arugula salad

Wednesday: Turkey Tacos

Thursday: Smoked salmon pasta and Ceasar salad

Friday: Pork Loin and Pearl Cous Cous with cucumber, mint and feta

Saturday: Out to a Fondue Dinner Party!

What's on your menu this week?


Halloween Decorating- and a new edition to the family

Each year (hahhahaa just started last year) we host a Trick Or Treat Party. We live in a nice flat and very Halloween spirited neighborhood, but lots of my friends live on steep hills with neighbors who could care less! Last year they were blown away by my Mayberry-esque neighborhood. In the middle of Los Angeles no less!

I (I mean the Mr) have lugged out the six (you heard me correctly) bins of Halloween decor and I am working on cute little vignettes. Spider web on the front window of the house, skulls on the den mantle, sequined bats on the chandelier...

But the newest member of our Halloween family is this lady:

Her head moves and she is giant. We have officially freaked out the dog.

You can get her too at Chasing Fireflies!

Thanks Mimi! She looks amazing!


Menu Planning Monday

Why do I go kicking and screaming when I know that this saves money and time!! I think it's because I want the freedom to boycott what I choose depending on my mood! The other thing? Every time I plan a Fall-ish meal the weather does not cooperate! It shoots up to 90 degrees!!!

This time I checked the weather! Supposed to rain a little and be in the 70's this week. I am really wanting some fall weather!!!

Okay so here goes my menu plan:

Sunday: Hay and Straw Pasta  By Wolfgang Puck

Monday: Beef Stew By Williams Sonoma

Tuesday: Mommy out, Daddy cooks hotdogs

Wednesday: Cilantro Flank Steak with Edamame Rice

Thursday: Maralago Burgers!

Friday: Out!

PS I made 2 ingredient Pumpkin Muffins with Landon thanks to a two ingredient recipe I got from my friend Melissa at Love, Marriage, and a Baby Carriage! They taste so good! All you need is yellow cake mix and a small can of pumpkin! Add nutmeg and Cinnamon!