
When Coco Met Mr. T

As you read yesterday, I have been livin' on the edge. Not one to wallow in depression, I headed to the gym with sweet Miss Coco. As I was checking in, I spied the ultimate star sighting. MR.T!!!! You know! Mr. T!? The A Team? Oh I almost died.

Not wanting to miss the moment I said, so he could hear:

"Coco! This is the best day of your life. Look, it's Mr. T! This is going in your baby book!"

He smiled, tickled Coco and said:

"Awwww. You just made my day. God bless you."

How sweet was that!!!??

Mr. T had me singing a new theme song a more "Walking on Sunshine" moment. I think this meeting has turned things around! That and your prayers! Thank you for your prayers, they are working! I am serious! Mr just got a stay of execution for another month at work, and Landon is much better! Keep those prayers coming!! Love you guys!


Sweet Southern Prep said...

So neat! That's the best part of living in CA. Wish I could be there too, although I don't think the parents and family would like me living so far away. Vacays it is then.


Praying for you!! XO KJ

The 5 Bickies said...

Wow! Mr. T was sweeter than I expected.

I saw Wanda Sykes this weekend...she was strolling down the street with her wife and children.

Bridget said...

I pity the fool who doesn't love Mr. T! I've seen him interviewed a fews times and he really does seems like a sincere, sweet man! Go Coco!!

I'm sending you lots of prayers - love the "worry into wonder" xoxo

Sandra said...

Grrreat story and great memory, Mrs. Fabulous. And don't forget your name - "Fabulous"! Glad you are feeling better.
When my son was little - age 3 or 4, he loved The A-Team, so I would hum the theme song for him while he acted out his great feats. I love that memory! xoxo

Melissa said...

That's so cool! I'm happy everything is getting better for you guys!

Hillcrest Acres said...

When I was a teenager in the 80's, I met Mr. T at a children's hospital. He had such a presence in the room and was so sweet with all the children.

In the late 1990's, we moved to Illinois and he lived by in a neighboring town. Never actually saw him, but drove by his house many times.

Preppy Mama said...

So cool! Keeping you in my thoughts and can call me at 3am any time!!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Such a nice experience for both you and Mr. T! That's neat. Hope things get better. I'll add some prayers, too. Glad the Mr. got another month at least. Hope that turns into more...

Dugout Daisy said...

I am so happy Landon is getting better!!!
oh, and I see Mr. T ALL the time and he has got to be one of the sweetest guys! I'm so glad you got to meet him and that he gave Coco some love too! :)

lizziefitz said...

my 3 brothers and I never missed an episode! it always ended with" I just love it wen a plan comes together." so true:)

Solar Powered said...

now that is cool.

Christy aka The Write Gal said...

I am praying for you!! Wow Mr. T!! Ooh the thought of living in LA. I hope to see some celebrities when I visit my sister in San Diego hopefully in December. The best you can see at my gym is an old bald guy. Definitely not baby book material. So happy for Coco. xo

nanny said...

that is so neat....

Barefoot in the Park said...


I HEART mr. t! yay for coco!

Robyn Lee said...

Wow, that is sooo cool! : ) It's so great when stars are actually nice in person : )