
Livin' On The Edge!

You remember that Aerosmith song "We're Livin' On The Edge"? That's my theme song right now. Everyone needs a theme song, Ally McBeals therapist said so, so it must be true. Anyhoo, that's where life is for me right now.

"Tell me what you think about our situation.
Complication, aggravation...
Is getting to you"

Um yes. The Mr's job is currently in jeopardy which is keeping me up at night worrying. I find myself trying to take each day as it comes, trying to avoid panic, praying, but at night I start to get....SCARED! Why am I more scared at night?!

In addition to that Landon has developed an infection in his lymph node, is on antibiotics, and it seems to be getting worse right now. Anything with my kids and sickness freaks me out. We have been through so much with Landon, born with a blood clot, 52 days in the hospital, he barely survived. Still I worry to death about anything and everything. He does seem to never have anything run of the mill wrong though, just craziness!

Trying to turn "worry into wonder" as preacher says. Hoping my theme song changes soon. I'd rather be "Walking on Sunshine" for goodness sakes.

But for now, here I am livin' on the edge. Send some prayers my way will you? Are you livin on the edge too? Tell me!


Melissa said...

We're kind of living on the edge too right now! My husband's job isn't in jeopardy, but he wants to leave it and go elsewhere, so things are kind of up in the air right now. I hope The Mr. keeps his job and everything settles down soon for you guys!

Also, I hope Landon gets better ASAP!

Anonymous said...

thinking of you. long time lurker. It is stress and anxiety.I hope things get better for you soon. Prayers.

lizziefitz said...

uummmm ....YES! I'll pray for you if you pray for me. HUGS!

Jessi said...

Sending thoughts and prayers your way. Hoping for "Walking on Sunshine" days for you!

Suburban Princess said...

I hope everything is ok! Hang in there!

Hillcrest Acres said...

I hope things work out for your husband's job. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Job security is a tough thing right now with so many. Just know, you'll make it through whatever life throws your way.

Here's to the days when we can all sing "Walking On Sunshine"!!!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Prayers being sent your way!

Lin said...

Sending good thoughts & praying that everything works out for you guys.

MMM said...

Hang in there! Sending prayers your way for Landon and your husband's job.

Preppy Mama said...

Oh anything with kids being sick scares me. I am sending prayers, hugs and healing thoughts. Husbands and jobs...I am hearing your theme song. Mine lost his job and its been a freaky scary nightmare...I was up all night. We should IM when we can't sleep!! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I'm on the edge with you...they are scheduled to do about 70 layoffs in the city that I work for. I have co-workers whom I've known for years up on that list. I still don't know about my job either. Times are very stressful around here.

Suburban prep said...

Prayers for your sweet young man.

As someone who lives with DVT I know sort of what you speak.

Hoping that the job situation for your husband gets better.

bloggerprotectionprogram said...

I'm sorry to hear your latest news...praying that Landon is better soon and that hubby's job situation improves. On a better note, have fun with Beth and tell her I said hello. I know you two will have a prepilicious time. xo, T
ps- Lilly sale June 9th so email me Coco's wish list if she has one this year.

nanny said...

Nothing would get me down like sickness within family!!! Hope is well soon!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

oh noooo!!! I'm so sorry to hear all this. Will definitely keep your family in my thoughts. Keep your head up and stay strong.

Henley on the Horn said...

Stress will keep you awake at night. My friend says fish oil can help. I am praying for you!

Always Organizing said...

Sending prayers your way!!!

Solar Powered said...

similar stressors at my house of late.

"take my hand, we'll make it I swearrrrr...oh,ohhhh, livin' on a prayer"

Debra said...

I'm sorry... Thoughts and prayers coming your way!

Eloise said...

Bless your heart! I hope everything calms down in your life soon. It's terrible when husbands are under stress at their jobs - it really affects their whole outlook on life. Sorry to hear about Landon's infected lymph node. Glad he's on an antibiotic. Hope that means your doctor is on top of things.

By the way, I noticed your plug for An Education on your sidebar. I LOVED that movie! The soundtrack is fabulous too. It would definitely lift your spirits to listen to that.

Praying for peaceful resolution to your worries. Hugs to you!

The 5 Bickies said...

One of those would be bad enough but both at the same time is overwhelming! I am sending prayers for peace and strength for you, healing for Landon, and job security for your husband.

One of these years you are going to have to come east and join Blogger Protection and me at the Lilly sale! You and Beth Dunn shoud have done business on the east coast around June 9th!

jennifer at The Lemonade Connection (dot) com said...

ok honestly...there are so many who can relate to this post its crazy! Being one of them, I have had to do some serious soul searching with God too! I wrote this:

And started a whole lotta learning and praying!

I'll be adding you to my prayer today! And btw, totally with you on the Housewives...loving.

Pretty Personal Gifts said...

I'm not sure about the night time torture/worrying, but I will tell you that it's the same with me. Things seem SO much worse when you are trying to get some much needed sleep.

Deep breath.

Claire said...

I was laid off Jan. 4th from my newspaper job after 11 yrs - but - God is in control and I'm doing fine - a long time ago when I told a friend that I was "barely hanging on" she told me to, "let go and you'll find your're standing on the Rock." Praying for you and yours! God IS in control.

LPC said...

Oh, I was so hoping that this economy was done wreaking havoc everywhere. My best, best, best wishes to you and your husband and of course to Landon.

bevy said...

Praying for job security for your husband! Got you on my prayer list... I've actually started one for my blog friends as we all need so many prayers! Isn't it wonderful to know that so many people are lifting you up ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!?!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Oh, One Fab Mom! I hope Landon has recovered. It is the worst when our little people are sick! I've always said I could have lots of kids if they never got sick- it's just the all the WORRY involved!

And as for your husband's job, these are weird times right now. I find it helpful to write my thoughts down at night (in a journal). For some reason, putting my worries and fears on paper clarifies things and gets them out of my head (so I can sleep).

That, and of course, praying! Or as Mr. HH says, "Giving it up to Jesus!" Give it to Jesus, girl!