Speaking of the book, have you read it? Part preppy handbook, part Devil Wears Prada, it's a fun summer read! In the book Beth tells us that not all social climbers are bad. She even lists some "cool" social climbers like Grace Kelly, Babe Paley, Jacqueline Onasis, Plum Sykes etc.
I have known some mean social climbers in my life, the type that compliment your shoes, to make fun of them behind your back later. The ones who ask where you are "summering" only so they can tell you all the trips the have planned!
What about you? Have you known any social climbers? Admired one? Been one? Do tell!
I wish I knew some social climbers! LOL It would be way more interesting that the pajama clad Walmart shoppers I see everywhere I go :O)
Fun! I am reading Social Climbers now and I'm really enjoying it.
My experience with "social climbers" has been very different from yours. I found these people to always be very warm, charming and polite. It would be later when we had been dropped from their circle, that I figured out we were nothing more than a stepping stone to bigger goal they had! They always have an agenda. And they always ask too many questions. They are out for information to help get them what they want. I find it better to be more guarded until I know I can trust someone.
I hope you two have a fabulous time. I'm thinking of you both.
You will have a fabulous time with Beth Dunn! Happpy Socialite Week!
Have a fabulous time together!! xoxo
I've been dying to read her book - looks fun! I know both harmless and harmful social climbers. I personally prefer authentic friendships myself but there's a time and a place for it all. Looking forward to Socialite Week!
My experience with social climbers has never been good although I do find them entertaining. I feel like I can see right through them!
I read Beth's book and found it very entertaining. I did start to confuse the fiction with real life.
Have a great week! I can't wait to follow along.
Have to laugh at your reference to 'summering' - so true! In fact, the other day a friend posted as her FB status, 'if you use the word summer as a verb, than you are a jackass and we shouldn't be friends'. Too funny!
Dearest Mrs.,
Well I've definitely found my summer vacation reading!! Her book sounds fantastic and right up my alley.
As I live (and used to work) in the world of politics one of my all time favorite "social climber" books is The Georgetown Ladies Social Club by C. David Heymann. The political spouse of the 40's, 50's and even 60's were amazingly bright, witty, and very talented at their "jobs".
Thanks for another fabulous post doll!
I don't know that I've ever really admired any social climbers - well maybe for a minute or two. They are interesting for sure. I think I've finally gotten to the age that I can spot them a mile away and try to keep my distance.
Haven't read Beth's book yet but it sounds fun. Have a great week!
Have a FABULOUS pink and green time with Beth this week. I think I may know some Social Climbers from our alma mater. Enjoy your preppy week.
What a great picture...Coco looks just like Landon....so precious!
I just finished reading Beth's book -- I loved it. Being in London the place is crawling with AT and SC, and they are so easy to spot either way. Not sure what AZ holds for us, but I am very sure it is crawling with SC.
Have a great week.
All this 'housewife reality' craze is just that - crazy! It's fun to watch but I have to tell you that when one of the ladies where I live decided to do the "Housewives of Our City" she was practically ostracized. I only know of her as she became a member of one of my organizations a short time ago. We don't allow Bravo to shoot anything from any of our events and I am finding out that a lot of other groups and charities are doing the same thing. Because of this there have been 'parties' and 'events' all over town that Bravo has had to stage because no one will allow filming.
I honestly try to steer away from people like this - the so-called Social Climbers. For the most part those that work the charity circuit are hard-working, generous people striving to improve community and provide opportunity for others. They aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. They don't 'brag' about their vacation homes, who they 'are' or what they 'have'. They don't mention if they're preppy or Wasp-y, let alone brag about it. This concept is foreign to most of the ones that are preppy or Wasp-y. I can assure you that if people were to talk about this at the country club, golf club or wherever one socializes they'd look at you like you had two heads.
I was appalled at the White House Gate Crashers. First of all you don't 'get tickets' to an event like that. You receive an invitation, and engraved one from the President and First Lady, at that. It is not transferrable like cheap baseball seats you can give away if you can't make the game. If you cannot attend you simply RSVP to the contraire (sic). They don't 'give your seat away' to the next available person on the waiting list.
With that said, I do LOVE Beth! I am a follower of hers and a friend on Facebook. 'Social Climbers' is charming, witty and very entertaining novel.
Hope you both have a wonderful time together! Can't wait to read all about it from both of you...
I don't know any Social Climbers; I'm too poor and probably too liberal to attract their attention. However, I do like to dress like one!
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