Picture me (all forty and fab) walking in to this den of twenty year olds, who were dancing on tables, chairs, booths, all oversexed and crazy. I wanted to leave, but instead I decided to study the place. Just like on the hills, groups of friends were piled into booths with full bottles of vodka, gin, etc there to make their drinks. They were laughing, dancing, kissing and fighting.
All the girls were in skinny jeans, and sexy tops. All the guys were in jeans and PLAID SHIRTS? Okay....oh and baseball hats. Isn't that stupid trucker trend over yet? For goodness sakes!
I looked over at one booth and saw divorced famous father of two acting like he was a rapper (that's a little clue, he was just quoted as saying he loves to rap), and I swear he is about my age. He looked like this was a normal night out for him (SAD) and was having a blast.
At one point the entire bar erupted in a cheer as some random awful song came on they all knew the words to. They all sang (shouted), the song in each others faces.
It was an eye opener. I at least know now that the Hills, though fake and staged, is based in REALITY as I watched an episode live and in person! What do you think of the Hills generation? Or are you in it? Tell me what it's about!!
Oh my. I watched that show once with the girls and could not believe how stupid and self absorbed everyone was....and you know I have such a problem about people becoming famous for no reason other than they are "famous". It's kind of scary.
Yikes that is so scary! My daughter loves that show, after watching it once and thinking about how I have seen her talk to friends I had to remind her that normal, functioning people can't actually talk to one another the way they do.
If it were me I would have been running for the Hills! :) I prefer quiet evening with friends. Dinner and drinks is enough to make this 'old lady' happy!
Oh honey you know I'm not in it, but it makes for great "people watching" - haha. Famous father of 2 who loves to rap. I'll have to google and try to guess who it is. hehe. xoxo
I use to watch the show, but I haven't seen the last 3 seasons. I just didn't care anymore. It was beyond over the top and I really do believe they think of crazy stuff to do just to keep our attention. I am over it. LOL.
No, I am happily NOT in the Hill's generation. I totally agree with Mom on the Run. Self absorbed and stupid sums it up nice. When I do watch (which is on a regular basis) I am quickly reminded that my little life here in the burbs of Atlanta are so good, so sweet. Would not trade it for anything in the world.
First of all, bless your heart for going into a place like that as the DD. I find that everyone who is drinking is annoying when I can't drink, especially kids who have no concept of what pregnancy and child birth can do to a woman and are just drinking in their own little bubble. (Yes, I have issues.) But I think The Hills (Spencer and Heidi in particular) has really made acting like an idiot seem like a stroke of genius. I mean, they wrote a book about how to make yourself famous by being on a reality TV show and standing out. When they were banned from E! Heidi then got her 10 surgery massacre so they would talk about her again. And now, as I watched on last night's episode, Spencer is portraying himself as a crystal loving/wearing psycho that has some real anger issues. I was going to blog about it myself last night, and decided that I would not fuel the fire that he so desperately tries to keep lit. And with Heidi, it is just plain sad. While you and I can recognize what she did to fit in Hollywood as absolutely rediculous, there are young girls out there who just see her on a mag cover and think, "I wish I could be famous like her." I am really glad MTV has decided this is the last season of The Hills. They should have ended it when Lauren left anyway.
No wonder they all get DUI's if they pour their own drinks! I watched last night and was shocked at Heidi's Jessica Rabbit dress and Spencer's behavior. They are all just looking for the next party. It would have been fun to experience for a night, but then turn back into S.A.H.M. at the end of the night.
I'm glad I am not in the Hills... scary and sad for that generation and for the generations that look up to them...
When I see that kind of stuff and those young guys in the 'trucker' attire (great analogy) I am SOOO thankful I am in my 40's and married! Give me a guy in khaki's and a polo any day...
I just don't get it. I guess these kids (oh, I sound old, don't I?) don't know how stupid they look.
I am embarrassed that these crazy kids are my age/generation!
What I would like to know about The Hills (especially, but also The City) - is the chicken and egg situation and reality vs. "reality" situation with their jobs. For instance, was Heidi cast as LC's friend from fashion school for the show's inaugural series - then immediately dropped out? Or was she someone already enrolled in fashion school who signed up for a casting call? And then, does she really work at Bolthouse? Or just for filming purposes? And how did particularly fugly and equally talentless sibling Stephanie get involved? Because even more shocking than the exceptional douchery and lack of cerebral action (save Lo...maybe) I really can't make sense of the dearth of work ethic or desire to be anything beyond famous for being a douche/dumb/plastic. Reminds me of a really tragic circus side show I went to as a kid, where this incredibly obese, disgusting "Fat Lady" sat on a stool smoking and staring while people paid money to gawk.
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