
Valentines Day Decadence Dinner

The dinner went very well, the menu was fabulous but guess who decided to stay UP. I know you can see him there. What could I do? He had me over a barrel!

In other news my table looked wonderful!

I was going to take pictures of each course, but because of the little intruder, there was no way.

Mushroom Soup Cappuccinos (from the site phood-d.com)

Heirloom Tomato and Goat Cheese Napoleons (Giada)

Individual chicken pot pies (hubbys recipe)

and for dessert?

Banana French Toast! (Lilly Pulitzer Book)

How's that for decadent!!!

PS Hubby got me NOTHING for Valentines Day. Not even a card! He's in the DOG HOUSE! Make me jealous. What did you get?


Mags said...

Wow!!! I wish I could have been at your house for that dinner...Yum, yum, yum!

I wasn't expecting anything from Mr. O this year as we were all flying back from our unplanned extended vacation at Disney World. I was surprised to see a FedEx truck out in front with a delivery of 12 red tulips and 12 blue iris. I love them...and will post a picture when they all open up. :)

KatiePerk said...

Oh my goodness! Looks like a lovely dinner!! That menu is fabulous!!!How cute was your mini intruder??

Hubs bought me the Reebok toning shoes I have been lusting for. He was embarassed to get me athletic gear but I am pumped.

I have faith your hubs will redeem himself!

Heather Henderson said...

o0o, yummy dinner! we didn't go out for dinner, nor did we cook. I pretty much ate junk from the freezer. but i did get two new pairs of earrings. hubby's personal shopper, a.k.a. me, picked them out :)

Sandra said...

Yummy menu. And everything looks just gorgeous. Yes, I guess Mr. Fabulous is on probation and grounded for a few weeks now!! He's your fabulous Valentine everyday; that's why yesterday was just another day to him. :-) Love how Landon is kinda peeking around in that pic. He didn't want to miss out on the fun!

Melissa said...

Your table looked awesome and I bet the food was great!

My husband got me nothing for V-day as well, but we agreed to not do gifts and just go out for a nice dinner so it was OK! I wouldn't have minded some flowers or something tho!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

wow!!! you put on a spread! I wanna be your friend hehe

Debbie said...

That dinner looks and sounds incredible. I am so sorry you didn't get anything fabulous! You deserved it:)

Hillcrest Acres said...

Your dinner looks wonderful.

May my husband join yours in the dog house? Usually I get something, but this year....absolutely nothing.

Clare said...

what a fun dinner!! happy vday friend!

Debra said...

What a fun time! Your table does look beautiful. I got dishes this year - but I picked them out and paid for them! So, very nice and I love them but not at all romantic. :)

Henley on the Horn said...

Your hubs must have been too busy cooking that decadent dinner! You know he adores you. Tell h im bad juju for that one:)

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Everything looks wonderful! Kids DO have a way of making us adjust our expectations, don't they. That would have been Lorelai, back in the day...wanting to be in the middle of everything. The hubs didn't get me anything EXACTLY, but we did go away for the night and I had a marvelous spa afternoon and fabulous dinner. It was sort of a mutual gift.

Sherrie said...

The table looks gorgeous and the menu sounds divine!

bevy said...

You should never expect the kids to stay in bed... lessons learned!

As for my husband, he got me flowers earlier in the week just because "I love you". But for V-Day, I got a pen. Granted a cute LP pen, but a pen. Made me think of that 80's movie Say Anything: "I told her I loved her and she gave me a pen."

Oh, your table is to die for!

Suzanne said...

Wow, it all looks beautiful and the menu sounds delicious. How nice of you to host such a fabulous dinner!

Bridget said...

wow, what a fab dinner!!! Wish you were my local friend :)

Anonymous said...

Now I feel almost as bad as my hair looks in this picture. I'll make it up to you BBB.

-The Mr.

The 5 Bickies said...

What a terrific dinner! Looks like a fun night...Landon just wanted to join in.

My husband came home with roses on Friday and gave me a restaurant gift card that we used on Monday as well as tix for me and a friend for the Phila. flower show. What did I give him...$6 heart box of See's candy. Seemed fine with him!

Maureen said...

What lucky friends - you spoiled them. Good for you.
I cooked dinner for both sets of grandparents. After being cooped up at home for the last 10 days the kids loved the company.