
Olympics Obsessed

There have been so many moments in the Olympics that are emblazened in my mind, so many amazing moments. Of course we are thrilled to see Evan win the gold medal for figure skating, or Sean Whites triumph on the half pipe, but it's the triumph over adversity that just brings me to tears.

Lindsay Vonn crashed in the 2006 Olympics and was air lifted to a hospital. She came back and competed but was not on the podium. This year, she became the first American woman to win gold in the downhill.

Bode Miller had a rough ride during the last winter Olympics. Bragging, swaggering and photo opping his was through the process. There was so much hype and build up that he would win the gold there was almost no other choice. He ended up coming in 5th and 6th and even getting disqualified. This year he came to vancouver much more serious than ever before. Now a father of two year old daughter, he's taking home gold.

Sean White may be the man to beat in snowboarding, but there was another guy who probably would have stood next to him on the podium. Kevin Pearce was an Olympic hopeful who's dreams were dashed when he fell during a training run and now has a brain injury. What makes him such a hero is that he is battling back. He has a bunch of brothers, one with down syndrome, who his mother said has taught her patience and allowed her to look at Kevins situation with hope.

This makes me think of my favorite quote of all time, my Dad's too.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Love the Olympics. Can't wait to see what event Landon will compete in!


lizziefitz said...

Great Quote, come give me some love at my blog . I miss you. My blog is listed under my profile under blogs I follow? tried to change it but it didn't work.

Debra said...

I love that quote. I have enjoyed the Olympics this year. Such hard work goes into that. I think that little girl has made such a difference in Bode's performances. It's like he has someone to win for now. Saw the Kevin Pearce story the other night - what a great family. I was glad to see he's doing well.

Unknown said...

I love the Olympics. "The thrill of competition and the agony of defeat." Figure skating tonight will probably make me cry because it always does. I skated competitively for 12 years and had the ass of a 12 year old boy. Now, wide and flat. I miss it. And the sparkly costumes.

Debbie said...

There are some very inspirational Olympians. And what gracious young people they are too!

Sandra said...

I have watched the Olympics nonstop! Love the stories behind the athletes! So happy Bode has done well. Have cried several times! Have you?

Can't wait to watch Landon and Coco. :-)

I wrote you a long rambling email. ;-) xoxo

Claire said...

I am loving the Olympics this year - especially the Canadian figure skater whose mother died on Sunday. The quote is excellent.