
Tummy Tuck Diaries- Day 56!

I am just blown away. I am so inspired my new tummy, that I am eating right and the pounds are coming off! I have learned a lot about my eating and how to lose weight.

My new findings:
To lose weight you have to eat a little bit all through the day.
Never skip a meal.
Protein shakes are the best cheater breakfast ever.
And half a pound weight loss counts!
Eat until you are satisfied but not stuffed!

I used to skip breakfast, be starving by lunch, overeat, make bad choices and gain weight. NO MORE OF THAT.

Most mornings I am having a protein shake. Then late morning a yogurt. Maybe an hour later a string cheese. (will post protein shake recipe next week)

Lunch is a salad and protein.

Then a snack string cheese, fruit, nuts etc

Dinner is a protein and veggie. We do a lot of salmon and asparagus, broccoli and chicken, etc.

I don't eat until I am full, just enough to feel good. I try not to finish a meal. How about that?

I also have a tanita scale that measures pounds down to the smallest amount. It really helps when you see the scale moving even a little!!!! I am now at a weight I haven't been at in years and fitting in a new size.

I did not know how much the permanently pregnant tummy was depressing me. I feel like sleeping beauty, like I woke up to the world! It has been life changing, confidence boosting, and enlightening to say the least!

I was thinking about the tummy day and night, it was taking up a lot of my head space. What am I doing with that space now? Writing, having ideas, creating, and planning fun things! If your struggling with a tummy like my before pics or weight loss I understand! Just know you can do it!!! You can get yourself back!


Beth Dunn said...

Our Lilly Pulitzer Mother ship is in PA-near Philadelphia put it on your 40 list. xoxo

Heather Henderson said...

you look amazing! You are so motivating and I love that your outside makeover has sparked an inside one, too - you rock!

KatiePerk said...

Hottie!! I am glad you feel so great! You look great too! Have a good weekend!

Suburban Princess said...

WOW!!!!! What a difference! You have ever right to feel like a million bucks!

My little diet secret is to eat 100 calories every 60-90 minutes. So I know the calorie count of every food in my house and at the end of the day it comes to around 1200 calories!

The Swanky Socialite said...

You look so awesome!!!!! What a great feeling to wake up feeling fabulous everyday! Keep up the good work!

Susan said...

You look amazing - I cannot believe the transformation in less than 2 months since surgery!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Yay! You look so great. Love how you plan to use that wasted "tummy" head space! :)

Courtney said...

All I can say is amazing! Best wishes for continued success!

Henley on the Horn said...

Wow!! You are absolutely beautiful!! Good for you. It is a great encouragement for me to try to do the same. THANK YOU!

Suzanne said...

You look like one fabulous mom! So happy for you, enjoy!

melissa said...

Way to go - You look fabulous! Keep up with the diet/health changes ... so worth it to make it a lifestyle. I have been clean eating for a year and a half now. The best thing I've ever done!!

Jill said...

Hot damn, girlfriend! You look amazing! What a difference 56 days makes!

Seersucker Scrapper said...

You look fabulous!!! And yes 1/2 a pound counts. In my opinion as long as it doesn't go up it counts!

LPC said...

A hundred million congratulations. Now just think of what the future holds.

The 5 Bickies said...

Amazing results! I am so glad the surgery is behind you and that you are enjoying your fantastically flat tummy! You look amazing! I am back to weight watchers and can't wait for the protein shake recipe.

Clare said...

you look great!! congrats!

Sandra said...

That is so wonderful for you!! I know how much happier you are now that the surgery is behind you and the limitless sky is in front of you! You look fabuous!! xoxo

The Major's Wife said...

Ok you said u looked pregnant but I was thinking a big muffin top and you just felt that it looked worse than it actually was. Please don't take offense but WOW!!! You were not exaggerating. I am beyond thrilled for you. You are 1 hot mama

Stephanie said...

Amazing! What a change...maybe you should do a tummy tuck giveaway on your blog! :)
Enjoy all your new clothes. I wish I could stuff my twin belly into some Lily P!

Cas said...

56 days? WOW!!You look great. I'm on your healthy eating bandwagon too...cheers!
xo Cas

Bridget said...

so delighted for you!! you look great and I agree with your dieting secrets - keep the tank half full at all times so you don't cheat!! Grocery shopping is my problem - I know what to do, I just don't always have the good stuff right on hand

Grateful for Grace said...

Awesome! I want a tummy tuck so badly that... well, anyway. You look great! I have such a bad diastasis that people ask me if I'm pregnant. It kills me. You look great!

Did I mention you look great!?!

(found you via Henley on the Horn)

Debra said...

Wow! You look fabulous! It's nice that you are eating better, too. I does make a difference. I can't wait to see you protein shake recipe.

KK said...

You look FABULOUS!!!

Lin said...

You look fabulous! I'm so glad your feeling great because you look it. I need to get into the habit of not skipping meals because I tend to gorge when I do finally eat & it's making me super chubs.

Keep up the good work!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

You are looking FABulous!!!! I'm so happy for you...truly!

bevy said...

You look amazing! Good for you... I need some inspiration. I've just found your blog and see that we have many of the same friends! So I must follow you and would love you to do the same!

Christy aka The Write Gal said...

You look completely amazing. I am very inspired by your story and am hoping one day I can get the courage to see a plastic surgeon. I want to have lipo too and a tummy tuck. Thank you for blogging this and inspiring other women. You truly are one FABulous MOM! :D

CRICKET said...

Inspirational!I just came to a stand still on the scale and found The Biggest Loser Bootcamp 30 min workout on the tv - saw another 3 pounds fall off!

bevy said...

OK! I am embarrassed! You already follow me!

Beachy Chic said...

You look FABULOUS! Keep up the good work! I am curious about the recovery - would you go through it again?

Melissa said...

You look awesome!

PaperCourt said...

WOW WOW WOW! You look great!

Did you get the invitations?

Unknown said...

wow! congrats.. you look great. glad to hear your feeling great too, that's what really matters.

PeerMurphy said...

Mini tummy tuck allows to tighten the lower abdomen, but doing nothing for the top of the abdomen. This surgical body contours procedure is effective for men or women whose conditions are not sufficient for complete abdominoplasty.
Tummy tuck