
ORANGE you glad he didn't say BLACK?

I thought we had an agreement Landon and I. He would pick the cast colors from only a short list that I approved. That way he could look as cute as possible in all my preppy outfits. No such luck.

He has had a pink cast, a kelly green cast, and a blue cast. Days ago he said he wanted a dark blue (navy my friends) cast. Yesterday he said he wanted purple. Okay, sounds good! But today, after we got a look at the skin graft (I looked but I wouldn't let him look), he chose orange. ORANGE.

Oh boy. I have two words: construction vest. He definitely is standing out!

I have to say you never get used to seeing a skin graft. It is tough looking. I have to just separate myself as his mother to be able to handle it. It really is upsetting. I just have eyes on the prize in this situation. Doctor said the skin graft was a 100% take and looks amazing (despite my opinion!). The arm is better than ever. Thank you God for these doctors and Landon's high threshold for pain. And for wine. Lots of wine.


Olympics Obsessed

There have been so many moments in the Olympics that are emblazened in my mind, so many amazing moments. Of course we are thrilled to see Evan win the gold medal for figure skating, or Sean Whites triumph on the half pipe, but it's the triumph over adversity that just brings me to tears.

Lindsay Vonn crashed in the 2006 Olympics and was air lifted to a hospital. She came back and competed but was not on the podium. This year, she became the first American woman to win gold in the downhill.

Bode Miller had a rough ride during the last winter Olympics. Bragging, swaggering and photo opping his was through the process. There was so much hype and build up that he would win the gold there was almost no other choice. He ended up coming in 5th and 6th and even getting disqualified. This year he came to vancouver much more serious than ever before. Now a father of two year old daughter, he's taking home gold.

Sean White may be the man to beat in snowboarding, but there was another guy who probably would have stood next to him on the podium. Kevin Pearce was an Olympic hopeful who's dreams were dashed when he fell during a training run and now has a brain injury. What makes him such a hero is that he is battling back. He has a bunch of brothers, one with down syndrome, who his mother said has taught her patience and allowed her to look at Kevins situation with hope.

This makes me think of my favorite quote of all time, my Dad's too.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Love the Olympics. Can't wait to see what event Landon will compete in!


Channeling Reese Witherspoon! Or at least her hair!

Hubby and I went to the big fancy fundraiser for Landon's preschool. It was a very fun night. I have decided that for big events like this I need to have my hair done. I never used to do this but bestie from High School Nicole is queen of the fabulous "Blow Out". She always looks just great and put together.

Now the day of the fundraiser was gloomy to say the least, I started thinking my blow out might be a waste. I was really wanting some Dallas Cowboy cheerleader hair (DCC hair), and what if it rained and ruined it? Instead I went for a flat iron look. I thought of Reese Witherspoon's walk on the red carpet after she split with Ryan Phillippe. She was in that canary yellow dress with her hair straightened and she had lost a few pounds and looked fabulous.

I didn't want to buy a new dress for the event, I am saving up to buy one for my fortieth! I had thought about a Lilly dress but in the end it was too day timey. Ended up wearing this sassy red dress by Jones New York. Wore my Stuart Weitzman black peep toe heals with jewels on them. All stuff in the closet but with my new flat tummy I felt like a millions dollars. Outfit=$0, Blow out= $45, feeling good with new flat tummy= PRICELESS!!!!



I am stealing an idea from my pal Memoirs Of The Shoe Obessed. Instead of Tuesday, let's make it Shoesday! Coco is showing off her shoe collection. Feel free and post yours! Let me know if you do!

How about these Chanel-ish looing ones from Janie and Jack. I die.


40 Year Old Mid Life Crisis? Where Is Carol Burnett?

What is it about forty that feels like an end? End of youth? End of dreams? End of the good times? I am telling you the Mrs has been down in the dumps. It could be all the lack of shopping now that I am on a BUDGET. No, I think it's more...

Go To FortyThingsBeforeForty.blogspot.com!


Lent- Got some baggage?

The lenten service sermon at church today did not disappoint. Every year at this time, our preacher tries to find a way to illustrate God's love for us. Lent is a time of deep introspection and that can be really upsetting for some people. It's easy to, as we're choosing something to give up, feel like other problems are becoming more significant.

Gave up coffee? Now you are so irritable you're yelling at your kids! Gave up wine? Now you can't relax! Lent is tough I tell ya.

Today at church our preacher gave out baggage tags. On one side the church's name, and on the other side it reads:

"You're Baggage. God's Got It."

We all have baggage, things we're not proud of, things that are upsetting us. Here's an opportunity to give it all to God. Check your bags with him. He won't charge you extra either. God will carry your baggage, he doesn't want you to carry it anymore.

What a concept. I love it.

For homework, we're supposed to make a list of all our "baggage". A list of all the things that are bothering us, stuff we don't want to carry around anymore. Make the list, then find an old bag or purse, and put it inside. Then go out to the trash and throw it out.

I challenge you to check your bags in the coming week, even make your list and throw it all away. I think you'll feel better if you do. I think you'll feel hopeful and encouraged. I know I will when I do it!


Real Housewives Of The OC- Heaven Help Us.

Let us bow our heads and pray, this episode was a doozy.

Oh my, the lunch these ladies attended together was fabulous for many reasons.

a) Gretchen thinks she's at the Kentucky Derby and has discovered hats.
b) Alexis confronted Vicky and her rudeness
c) Alexis once again shows she has no understanding of class AT ALL.

Now it is RUDE to talk on the phone while your guests mill around and try to talk over you and your loud personal conversations, but there are many levels of rude. Vicky is an idiot for talking business so loudly at the lunch they had, and it was rude BUT It is VERY rude to talk to your ugly husband a hundred times during a private dinner at a five star restaurant. She did not need to talk to him at all and their conversations were BS. At the very least excuse yourself from the table. COME ON.

Even ruder to bring the table to a grinding halt to confront someone. Can't you pull Vicky aside?

So Vicky was finally told about how rude she really is.
Tamara thinks she doesn't know? Um, saying "I work" all the time is rude and she knows it. I think it's funny that she can't be called on her rudeness when she feels free to talk terribly behind their backs. It's called KARMA honey. I loved when Vicky's daughter said "this is why I don't hang out with girls". Look what your mother taught you. You don't have any friends! Vicky is a crybaby who cannot take the heat. Learn from your mistakes! Stop being a permanent victim! PS BEING A MOTHER IS WORK.

Alexis and her hour long rambling prayer for Breanna can take a hike. (of course I hope she doesn't have cancer but that prayer was too little, too late, and too weird) Hate "Christians" who are mean and nasty. HYPOCRITE. She knew she was out of line after the fact, even told her preacher, but still you can still see she feels superior.

Tamara wins for best line: How many flavors of dysfunction can you taste in this lunch".

Moving on.

Gretchens parents don't like Slade (who does?), love the jokes about offing him! Go Daddy! Loved when Slade was like can't see myself with anyone else. Hello? The four other housewives you dated? HA!

Gretchen put a pin in his balloon when she basically said she wasn't ready for marriage. Kinda makes it hard for Slade to ask for your hand!

The person who really needs prayers is Lynne. She was a willing participant in living beyond their means for years and now she's a victim? NO. How the hell did these ungrateful women suddenly decide to kick their Dad to the curb? Hello? He has provided for you all your life and been a good father and husband! Her kids are just like their mother, all about the money! Her other daughter didn't even show up! That being said Frank is an idiot. "You're my princess! Let's take a vacation!' WHAT?

Alexa did reveal they had moved a ton, which can really be stressful and screw kids up. Alexa however, is still the biggest brat on earth and I think that would be the case no matter if they moved or not due to permissive parenting!

Eviction, divorce, money trouble, cancer! What else can happen?!


What In The World Are Super Greens and I Miss The Thompson Twins.

Many people have asked so......Super Greens are a powder for of vegetables and minerals. It has many brands/names and can be found at GNC, AMAZON, Wholefoods, TRader Joes, and your local supermarket.

In other news I miss the 80's. The Thompson Twins, Tears For Fears, Mary Lou Retton, Charlene Tilton, Dynasty, Circus of the stars, Wonderama, Who's The Boss, Family Ties, and Where's The Beef.

I remember when I was a teenager. I just loved to be depressed. I mean I loved it. Being sad, writing sad lyrics on my notebook, feeling ,misunderstood. Drama. Fabulous.

Now not so much. Now, I'm subjected to real drama. Oprahs show on Child Molesters (men and women), cyber bullying, Jaycee Dugard, Michael Vick, and Kristen Cavallari. A girl can only take so much.

Sometimes I just want to put on my Treetorns and dance to Duran Duran. "My name is Rio and I'm dancing on the sand."

That's all. Just sayin'.

Now Whip It. Whip It Good. Come on Eileen.


Los Angeles Public Schools- You Gotta Be Kidding Me

When we bought our house in Los Angeles, we bought in one of the few districts with a "good" public school. The public schools are terrible in Los Angeles. So finding a good one was one of the determining factors in where we bought. With private schools in LA ranging from $18,000-$30,000 a year for K-12 we knew it might be smarter to at least let him go to public elementary school. (Public High Schools in L.A. are not even close to being okay, maybe one or two but that's it.)

Landon still has another year or two of preschool but it's time to start looking at options. We had to go over to our local public school to get Landon's speech evaluated, so I thought it might be the perfect time to spy, I mean check it out.

It looked okay from the outside....but then....

Cue music from Dangerous Minds with Michelle Pfieffer teaching inner city kids.

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left!"

We approached a very high security fence and gate (think prison) and had to be buzzed in. Over our heads a camera was rigged up by a thread. Okayyyyy...

Once inside all concrete, no grass ANYWHERE. A kid runs by with his Mom, late to school. She looked a little like she was engaged in the worlds oldest profession and her son looked like he had not been bathed in weeks. He was in a pajama top with food on it.

We walk into the office were the receptionist is so rude and off putting I am afraid that Landon will be scared. She orders me out of the office to wait, I gladly do. Her mistake, I start exploring the entire concrete campus. A prison indeed. No windows, all trailers, and it smelled.

This was the "good" public school they were referring to? Are they kidding me? I remember we had gone to another public school in LA, to get Landon's hearing tested. This one was in a bad neighborhood, I knew it would be bad. Guess what, it wasn't that much worse than the "good" one I saw.

Excuse my french but WTF. I pay insane taxes, live in a big, exciting and progressive city, where public schools should be amazing. We should have the greatest ones in the nation with all the money that is in this town!! I will never send Landon to that school.

Can't wait to sell m script so I can send him to private school! How about you? How are your schools?


How I'm Losing Weight!- Protein Shake Recipe!

I got this recipe from a celebrity personal trainer. I don't want to name and names....but she kicked my butt. This was right after I had Landon. Hubby ratted me out that I was eating pancakes with Mrs. Butterworths syrup. She gave me a stern lecture and proceeded to BEAT MY ASS INTO SHAPE. Seriously, I almost DIED. She had my running up and down the stairs of her fancy rooftop gym. This shake was one thing I took away from the experience that didn't hurt! It works and helps you lose weight and have a healthy breakfast.

The recipe:

2 cups frozen mixed berries
1 scoop whey protein powder
1 scoop super greens
1 teaspoon flax seed oil

Then, a little later if you're hungry, you can have wheat toast, organic oatmeal, or bran cereal. Try it!


Valentines Day Decadence Dinner

The dinner went very well, the menu was fabulous but guess who decided to stay UP. I know you can see him there. What could I do? He had me over a barrel!

In other news my table looked wonderful!

I was going to take pictures of each course, but because of the little intruder, there was no way.

Mushroom Soup Cappuccinos (from the site phood-d.com)

Heirloom Tomato and Goat Cheese Napoleons (Giada)

Individual chicken pot pies (hubbys recipe)

and for dessert?

Banana French Toast! (Lilly Pulitzer Book)

How's that for decadent!!!

PS Hubby got me NOTHING for Valentines Day. Not even a card! He's in the DOG HOUSE! Make me jealous. What did you get?


Valentines Week! Valentines For The Class!

When I saw these little playdoh tubs at Target I wanted to do something with them! I came up with the idea of attaching them to Landon's classmates Valentines. I think it came out pretty cute!

"So fun playing with you! Love Landon"

Being Room Mom at Landon's school
, I will be there today decorating, hosting and then cleaning up the Valentines Day Party. I hope he feels up to going, it would be sad if he missed it!

Landon is doing pretty well but is limping from the pain. Look at that face. Thank goodness nurse Shelby dog is here to comfort.

Happy Friday!


Valentines Week- Best Movies To Rent

I know some of you are going to brave the crowds and see Valentines Day (let me know how it is!), but I will be happy recovering at home after our sumptuous Decadence Dinner!

V-Day can be fabulous for some and depressing for others. So, taking that into consideration I am giving you the best Valentines Day movies to rent.

For The True Romantics:

Prelude to a Kiss
The Notebook
You've Got Mail
When Harry Met Sally
Down With Love
How To Loose A Guy In Ten Days
The Wedding Planner
Maid in Manhattan
Dirty Dancing
Notting Hill
50 First Dates

For The Romantics Who Feel Old and Need Inspiration

Don Juan DeMarco
Nights In Rodanthe
What Women Want
Sense and Sensibility

For The Dysfunctional Romantics

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Much Ado About Nothing
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Grosse Point Blank
Gone With The Wind
Pretty Woman
Legends Of The Fall
Moulin Rouge
Step Mom
Brigette Jones Diary
When a Man Loves A woman

Young Romantics

Before Sunrise
10 Things I Hate About You
A Walk To Remember
Romeo and Juliette
Little Women
Say Anything
Can't Buy me Love

For The Anti Romantics

War of The Roses
Kramer VS Kramer
Cruel Intentions
Fatal Attraction
To die for
Far From Heaven
Dangerous Liaisons

What about you? Anything I have forgotten? What kind of romantic are you?


Dear Landon and some prayers please

Dear Landon,

Today, at the mall, something strange happened. I helped my baby boy get on the toddler train ride, and as I stepped away and the train began to go round and round, I saw a big boy sitting there. You have to imagine how surprised I was watching this big boy ride round and round "by self". You see, you are my baby. I prayed for you. Begged for you. Dreamed of you. And now, you have, before my very eyes, turned into a boy.

I am trying to not be sad you are growing up. I know we have a lot to look forward to together. I can't wait to travel more with you, watch you learn and understand, be creative, find your passion, fall in love, get married...

I am proud of you, everything you do, your sense of humor ( see a bit of Great Grandma Jenifer in there who's birthday is today), your loving sweetness. I am so happy to be your mom.

Today you have another surgery. I'm not happy about it but it has to be done. They will be skin grafting. You will see me smiling and being chipper but I am terrified. If anything ever happened to you they'd have to put me in a padded cell.

I want you to know you are brave, braver than me. I am inspired by you and I love you so much.

Prayers for Landon please today. We could really use it!

We are home and resting. What an exhausting day! Landon is doing well. He is such a trooper. Blue cast this time!


Valentines Week! Decadance Dinner!

My good bloggy friend Eloise always does a lovely Valentines Day Lunch for her girlfriends. Well this year I decided, since Valentines Day fell on the weekend, we'd do a Decadence Dinner!

What is a Decadence Dinner? It's where hubby cooks and we spoil a few other couples with fabulous food and wine.

Here's the invitation I came up with:

"Decadence can be defined,
As luxury and self-indulgence intertwined.
And so it is, with much ado
That we look forward to dining with you.
Prepare to be spoiled
With Food & wine
We promise you'll have one helluva time!"

So the idea is to spoil and enjoy a meal with fabulous friends. Here are so menu ideas we are toying with:

Bacon wrapped scallops
Baked artichokes with gorgonzola
Beef tenderloin with blue cheese
Chocolate fondue for dessert!

I would love more decadent menu ideas...I will post the final menu and table when we have our dinner.
What's your Valentine plan?


Valentines Week!

Valentines Day is not my favorite holiday (that would be EASTER!), but I think it's a great opportunity to reach out to someone.

Suburban Princess did the most amazing post about this on her blog. She has issued a challenge and I wanted to pass it on to you.

Go through your address book and send a card to anyone you think may need a little love. She made the point that we all know of a story where someone was feeling suicidal and then they received a note in the mail that made them feel special. Small acts of kindness can make a HUGE impact.

So go pick up a little pack of cards or print something out on line. It doesn't have to cost a lot, you can even get a little something at target and wrap it up and give it to a neighbor who needs a little cheering up.

Other ideas of someone who may need a card? Someone who just lost a job, someone who has lost a parent or child, someone just getting through a divorce or break up, or maybe someone who you feel is a little lonely in your office.

Let's make Valentines Day really be from the heart!! Who's up to the challenge? Pass it on!


Tummy Tuck Diaries- Day 56!

I am just blown away. I am so inspired my new tummy, that I am eating right and the pounds are coming off! I have learned a lot about my eating and how to lose weight.

My new findings:
To lose weight you have to eat a little bit all through the day.
Never skip a meal.
Protein shakes are the best cheater breakfast ever.
And half a pound weight loss counts!
Eat until you are satisfied but not stuffed!

I used to skip breakfast, be starving by lunch, overeat, make bad choices and gain weight. NO MORE OF THAT.

Most mornings I am having a protein shake. Then late morning a yogurt. Maybe an hour later a string cheese. (will post protein shake recipe next week)

Lunch is a salad and protein.

Then a snack string cheese, fruit, nuts etc

Dinner is a protein and veggie. We do a lot of salmon and asparagus, broccoli and chicken, etc.

I don't eat until I am full, just enough to feel good. I try not to finish a meal. How about that?

I also have a tanita scale that measures pounds down to the smallest amount. It really helps when you see the scale moving even a little!!!! I am now at a weight I haven't been at in years and fitting in a new size.

I did not know how much the permanently pregnant tummy was depressing me. I feel like sleeping beauty, like I woke up to the world! It has been life changing, confidence boosting, and enlightening to say the least!

I was thinking about the tummy day and night, it was taking up a lot of my head space. What am I doing with that space now? Writing, having ideas, creating, and planning fun things! If your struggling with a tummy like my before pics or weight loss I understand! Just know you can do it!!! You can get yourself back!


Decorating- Built In Shleves! I'm a believer!

One of the things that is great about being married to a contractor, is that once in a while I get something fun! He designed these and had the built. Aren't they amazing!

I tried to group the books by color, I have seen that before in design magazines and it looks so clean! Turns out all the dark books were hubbys and all the white ones were mine!

I've been hiding out lately, feeling a little depressed about finances and the lack of shopping in my life now that I have my new bod!

I had a wonderful discovery today though, clothes I had put away, one size down, that were perfect and fabulous! What a thrill! Shopping in my own closet! Woot! Woot! More on that tomorrow and a tummy tuck update!!


Forty Things To Do Before You're Forty- First Challenge!

Turning forty seemed a little bit like a day of reckoning for me. I was feeling like I had not accomplished things I had set out to do, and was not exactly where I wanted to be financially, career wise, and personally. It was my mother in law who put it in perspective...

Read the rest of this post on the Forty Things To Do Before Forty Blog!