For your little sailor:
For your little preppy girl:

And if you're feeling crabby!

But don't be jealous! They have shoes for us too!

And I am just coveting this!

Go to By Paige and see for yourself!!! She's offering my readers a 10% discount if you order before the end of August!!!
So cute!!! I so need the pair with the whale on them... :)
Love the pink whale shoes. Too cute! Just wanted to let you know I gave you an award on my blog.
Those are so dadgum cute! I plan to order a pair if I can ever narrow it down to one favorite! Thanks for sharing the link and the discount.
I know about the ladies needlepoint shoes (love them) but those baby shoes...TPP cute!
Sooo cute! I love the crabs!
These are SO cute! A few of my friends children wear these.
Oh... Isn't Nate a cutie pie! :)
I love those!
Thought about you recently. We were in San Diego, and it was truly PAINFUL to leave your amazing state to come back....here...blech! I informed my hubby that I think I could be a very happy camper in southern California. The people were friendly and the weather was perfect--be proud of your great state! :)
I had seen the shoes. Love them! But the baby shoes are sooo cute and unique!
Have you seen the needlepoint mules?
Those are all so adorable! Love needlepoint...we need to get Far From Perfect to teach us how to do these!
I will be purchasing some for the new baby!!!!! I bought the green/white for this summer and love them still!!!!!
all of these are so cute! i am going to go and look! xo, clare
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