
Haiku Tuesday

It's Haiku Tuesday! I have been amazed by the little man in his cast. He was off pain medicine in a matter of hours and has been smiling ever since. My biggest challenge is keeping his from jumping and leaping on the hard wood floors!
Haiku's are too fun (they're 5 syllables then 7, then 5 again) and I feel inspired by Landon. Feel free to join's what's on my mind.

Little Landons arm
In a cast, he wonders why?
Jumping on my bed.

No shirt that fits him
He wears smocking all day long
Laughing all the while

God gives us a gift
An un-sinkable spirit
In a tiny frame

Who knows what he'll do
In life, tomorrow, or now
"Just stand back", I say.

The Mrs.


Anonymous said...

so glad to hear he's doing so can even see what a great spirit he has from the pictures- his eyes smile so much!

Etiquettely Correct said...

He is such a sweetheart. I love that little outfit!

Jen said...

Love the hakius! I like to create them too. I had a cast once and went banannas - glad that Landon is staying so upbeat!

Belle said...

What a precious baby!! I'm sooooo glad he's doing well!! Hugs and kisses to sweet baby Landon.

Surf Girl said...

I'm so glad to hear he is doing so good. Isn't it amazing how resilient they are?? My little man constantly inspires me to stop whining and just get over it. :)
Landon is too cute and I love the haiku!

Midwest Prep said...

ok maybe it is trhe hormones but yourlil' haiku totally made me tear up- he areally is what you said "God gives us a gift
An un-sinkable spirit
In a tiny frame" you three are so strong and inspirational.

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Cute! He's looking chipper for a little guy with a cast...

Claire said...

That is such a perfect haiku -

The Shabby Princess said...

He's such a cutie! Glad he's doing well. Being a little guy and having a cast on cannot be fun, but, he looks like he's doing great. :)

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

So sweet. I am glad is handling the cast so well. I don't think my girls would do well with a cast on. Please include me for the bloggy shower!

Lamp Tramp said...

Wow, he looks like there never was a surgery! He is so adorable and do I spy a twinkle exuberence in those eyes? So glad he is back to his normal self.

Mad About Plaid Girl said...

What a great Haiku! Cute cute cute little boy you have there! Want to squeeze him, gently of course!

Clare said...

oh landon you are so cute! i love this poem and i hope his little arm heals soon! XO, Clare

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! He's got such a wonderful spirit!

Yellow Beads said...

Good Haiku!!

Eloise said...

What a precious child! I love the little smocked outfits. Once they start wearing khakis and jeans, that's all they'll wear for the rest of their lives. Sadly they grow up soon enough!

ilovepink said...

He looks so happy! I love love love the smocking!!!! Glad he is feeling well!

Lori said...

What a cutie!!!

Kiki said...

That sweet boy is definitely an glad that the cast doesn't get him down!!!

Your haiku's are always wonderful!!!