
Bloggy Baby Shower!!!!

My blog-cation was such a success I decided I want to throw an Bloggy Baby Shower for all bloggy girls who are pregnant!

Just like the swaps, I thought I would partner us to one of the pregnant bloggers and spoil them a little. I think it would be so fun!

Here's how it will work.
I am setting the day of the shower to be in mid September. I will do the theme and decor on my blog. If you'd like to attend the baby shower (it will be like my blogcation, on line and fabulous), you can visit the blog that day and /or give a little gift to the pregnant moms. Just leave a comment to be included.

The gifts will be due to the pregnant moms so they can open their gifts and post what they got (let's set a limit of $20, be creative!)

If you are a pregnant blogger I don't know about yet let me know! I'll match everyone to a preggy blogger once I have all the names!

So far my pregnant blogger list is:

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers
I Love Pink
Memoirs Of The Shoe Obsessed
Midwest Prep
Magnolias Marriage and Manhattan

Let me know who I'm forgetting! I have MOM BRAIN!

How fun is this!!!


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

This sounds like fun! Count me in!

Scarlet O'Kara said...

This sounds like so much fun! I am not pregnant, but I want to help spoil some pregger mommy!

Somewhere Between Pinot and Pacifiers said...

You are just too, too sweet! This is so exciting for all of us preggo moms out there! I can't wait, since I kind of missed out on the blog-cation! Thank you-you are FABULOUS!

Midwest Prep said...

Oh my goodness! This is so cute! I am so excited! You are so sweet to set this up and to include me!!!
Thank you!

magnoliabelle said...

What a great idea! I'm in too!

Andy said...

What fun! You are so sweet! Thank you!

MMM said...

So sweet! How much fun! You are so sweet and so creative. This is so exciting!

Andy said...

Can the pregnant ones send gifts too? That would be so much fun.

ilovepink said...

Oh how nice! You did make my day!
Youa re too, too sweet!!!

Belle said...

You're such a sweetie! It sounds so fun, but I'm going to have to skip this one. :(
Have a great week and don't do anything fun until I get back! Talk to you soon!

Clare said...

what a great idea:) XO, Clare

Linda S said...

what fun! count me in!

Greens and Pinks said...

How fun - I'd love to take part but I've got too much going on this summer. I'll check in to see the pretty!

Southern Cupcake said...

I just found your website and love it! Your idea for a baby shower is so cute.

Southern Cupcake said...

Hi! I know this is a weird request, but could you ask Pinot and Pacifiers and the other pregnant moms with private blogs to please send me an invitation at or I have a 4 month old and a 3 year old! Thanks! SDB

Monogramchick said...

I'd love to give a discount to those that will participate in the shower by giving a gift. Let's email and work something out! :)

The Shabby Princess said...

Yes,yes, count me in! I love giving gifts to mamas-to-be!!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

You are TOO sweet! I would love to participate but I have 3 showers to attend in the next few months. YIKES! I better get started! I can't wait to see what everyone gets!

Jen said...

Sounds wonderful, count me in too! I love to be part of such a great community of other pregnant mom's. Thanks.

Genuine Lustre said...

I am 8 weeks pregnant with baby #5- this is a total surprise. I am 42 and thought I was having age related irregularity. I'm taking my oldest to college next week!

I'm willing to be matched up with another expectant mother.
My blog has gone private - ask if you want to be a reader -

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

Awe, this is so sweet. Please count me in! This is going to be so much fun for all us preggies. Count me in.

Chellie said...

I'm not pregnant and only know Andie, but I wouldn't mind sending a cute little something to a cute little pregnant lady!
