

Yesterday was tough but we made it through. I have to say though, that we are grateful for what we had yesterday:

Prayer warrior friends who showed up at 6am and sat with us.
Parents that flew in to create a happy environment for Landon.
Amazing skilled doctors who made his surgery a huge success.
A husband who could take a day off to be there.
Nurses that were so darling and sweet to a child who was nervous.
God Mother of Coco who made us a lasagne to eat that night.
Neighbors like She She who made us a chicken enchilada lunch.
Many many Facebook and Twitter well wishes and prayers.
Teachers that emailed us their prayers and made a cake for Landon in his favorite flavor.
and last but not least...

Landon, who took it all in stride and kept a positive attitude. Can you imagine a more brave 5 year old? We are so proud of him.

Thank you to everyone for being so good to the Fabulous Family!!


lizziefitz said...

Cheers to Landon. He really is a super hero. I am so proud of him. Deep breath momma:))))

"Cookie" said...

So wonderful to have such a great support system! Such a proud mommy you must be of your brave Landon. Glad everything went well.

Michelle said...

He is such a trooper and I am so glad that you have so much support. Praying that he heals quickly!!!

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear that everything went well. He is quite a brave boy!

Melissa said...

Yay Landon! Such a brave boy! I'm glad everything went well!

Melissa @ I Pick Pretty said...

I'm so very glad to hear it all went well! What a brave young man you have there.