
Potty Training Day Day 2,3,4....

I am here to tell you that Coco is a rock star, big girl, potty trained almost 2 1/2 year old. She at first didn't get it, but in an hours time (and a whole lotta apple juice) she got it. Now she runs to the bathroom when she has to pee. I cannot even believe it! It was a cake walk. I am one lucky Mama!!!

In other news I dropped my babies off at camp for the first time yesterday, and it was a little sad! I was feeling like an empty nester!! I love motherhood. The kids drive you insane when you're with them, but when you are apart you miss them like crazy! They only go half day thank goodness so I still get to have fun with them. Here's us with some friends at the Long Beach Aquarium!

I feel like this summer has FLOWN by. Hoping to get a weekend away with hubby alone before school starts again!!

How's your summer going?


KatiePerk said...

Way to go Coco! Way to go Mommy!!

Michelle said...

Yeah for you all! I know that milestone is a relief.

I know that empty nester feeling all to well and even though mine are older I always struggle the first few days of school after I drop them off...a little lost, I guess??? But then we adjust and I enjoy the time to myself.

Happy Tuesday!

MOMMY-MOMO said...

yay!!! congrats!! The summer HAS flown by!!

just ask beth said...

Congrats on the Potty Training..I remember those days! Summer has been going great here..Pool, onto Water park and Tubing!

prince snow farm said...

We haven't done the camp thing yet...although there are days I say"Now I know why other kids go to camp!"

Maureen said...

Girls just rock at it. Glad it has gone well. I also think it is payback for those older brothers... ahem... who don't take to it so naturally!

One weekend away with the hubby before school begins sounds like a brilliant idea that I think I am going to need to steal before I turn the big 40 on Labor day weekend....

Debra said...

Congrats on the potty training. It's nice when it goes so smoothly!

Yes, this summer has flown by. School starts here on Monday. I'm kind of ready, kind of not...