
And The Winner Of The Dog Gone It Designs Give Away Is....and another GIVE AWAY!

Is Simply Sarah!!

Please email me at and let me know size, color and name of your puppy!! Whoohoo!!

But take heart friends, another give away!

In honor of my friend Keri's Baby Shower, which is fast approaching, I am giving away a copy of:
Eat Sleep Poop!

This is written by MY pediatrician!! LOVE HIM!!

"Written during award-winning pediatrician Dr. Scott W. Cohen’s first year as a father, this book is the only one to combine two invaluable “on the job” perspectives—the doctor’s and the new parent’s.The result is a refreshingly engaging and informative guide that includes all you need to know at each age and stage of your child’s first year. Drawing on the latest medical recommendations and his experiences at home and in the office, Dr. Cohen covers everything from preparing for your baby’s arrival to introducing her to a new sibling, to those three basic functions that will come to dominate a new parent’s life. Eat, Sleep, Poop addresses questions, strategies, myths, and all aspects of your child’s development. In each instance, Dr. Cohen provides a thorough overview and a simple answer or explanation: a “common sense bottom line,” yet he doesn’t dictate. The emphasis is on doing what is medically sound and what works best for you and your baby. He also includes fact sheets, easy-to-follow diagnosis and treatment guides, and humorous daddy vs. doctor sidebars that reveal the learning curve during his fi rst year as a dad.Lively, practical, and reassuring, Eat, Sleep, Poop provides the knowledge you need to parent with confidence, to relax and enjoy baby’s fi rst year, and to raise your child with the best tool a parent can have: informed common sense."

To enter:
Like One Fabulous Mom on Facebook- 1 entry
Follow One Fabulous Mom on twitter- another entry!

Good luck and congrats Sarah!!!


"Cookie" said...

Well, considering I've got my 3rd on the way.... never to late to learn more. I follow you on Twitter of course.

Unknown said...

I already like you and follow you on Twitter. I would love to win this book for my sister-in-law who is due tomorrow with her first baby! I think she could really benefit from this book!

Melissa said...

I already like you on FB and follow you on Twitter :)

Simply Sara said...

I sent you an email about the collar giveaway, hope you got it!!!


KatiePerk said...

I am due in January with baby #1! This book sounds great! I am a fan on facebook!!