
How To Survive A Weekend Without Your Husband

This past weekend The Mr went on a "Man Weekend" to Palm Springs. I was not looking forward to being alone with the kids all weekend, I already feel overwhelmed at the end of the week! I like our weekends, because he is home and helps. That being said I know he needed a little time off. So he went.

Last time I was alone with the kids I made no plans and winged it. NOT GOOD. I ended up getting mad about the stupidest things and was no fun at all.

This time I had a plan! I got a sister wife. (Not a good pic of her but hey, we are workin!)

You know it takes a village to raise a child, and with no family close by to help, I created one. My friend Lindsay and her two kids really saved the say. She helped me wrangle the kids, move at a steady pace, and keep the peace. Most of all she helped me keep my sense of humor.

Saturday we took the kids to the Los Angeles Zoo, played and had lunch. The kids had a ball.

When we got home we had another play date and played in the pool. That night, movie night with:

Pete's Dragon! (My favorite from childhood!)

Sunday (church was having a service at the beach and it was too cold for the kids), Lindsay, my sister wife and I, took the kids to the Museum Of Natural History. 

They saw an amazing dinosaur exhibit, animals from Africa and North America, rain forests, prairies and went to the Discovery Center. They loved it. Lunch outside at the cafe and then home.

One of the best parts about my new sister wife was she had a mini van. Even though I have sworn on a stack of hot mama bibles I would never get one, I have to tell you it was too fun being all in one car!!! Still not getting one.

After all this excitement we came home to see the Mr in the driveway. He helped me get the kids inside. I have to say I was a little sad to see him and say goodbye to my sister wife Lindsay. Having another mother around with the same philosophy, sense of humor, and ages of kids really made life great.

So if you're husband leaves you with the kids for the weekend, make sure you have two things. A schedule of fun events, and a sister wife. Makes all the difference.

Thanks Lindsay!!!


HEA Bookshelf said...

I'm with you in the whole mini van thing.. my mom had one.. and all though mama made it work.. I swear I'm not getting one.. hahaha.. I want a regular suv

have a great week!

Melissa said...

I will never get a mini van! Hubs wants one, but I said no way!

Very smart to get a sister wife when your husband is away! I had Landon by myself when my husband went to a bachelor party for 1 night. He was too young to really do anything, but I will remember this tip for the future.

Suburban Princess said...

I visited someone who has a huge mini van - three rows I think...huge! It was nice but I was happy to get right back to my jeep :O)

Sibi said...

You are such a good Mama!

Hope you all are doing well!



Love it! I always said "no minivan!" But my free company car is a minivan, and let me say, it is sweet. It's no Range Rover, but it's so darn pratical! The space, the automatic doors, the fact that the seats fold into the floor with a button push. It's pretty cool. And this is coming from someone who used to drive a Hummer! Ha! And It's not a mini van. It's a Swagger Waggon. YouTube "Swagger Wagon". You will pee your pants with laughter. Love catchin up with my West Coat hot mama!!! Xoxo KJ

Lori said...

Ha, sister-wife, love it!
Your kids are so stinkin cute!! :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

I am sooo glad to hear that I am not the only one who dreads when the hubby goes out of town for the weekend (and minivans!). Thanks for the suggestion of a sister wife...I am going to have to find me one of those!