
Baby Oh Baby! Products you MUST have for a new baby!!

My friend Keri is having a baby boy! That is leading me to repost some of my "must have" baby items and advice! Feel free to chime in with your favorites!!

New Moms!! First step don't worry. You will be fine!! There are endless things to get, but let me be your personal assistant and tell you what you really need! Let the Mrs. tell you from experience!

First of all the baby will be hanging out in your bedroom for the first four months. Take a deep breath. This means you have more time to decorate the nursery! Since baby will be in your room, you need a bassinet, or in my case a moses basket on my ottoman!

You'll need a crib and mobile for their room which you will be moving them into at about 3 or four months once they stop late night feedings.

You need a good mattress in your baby crib, anything to promote great sleep! I have an organic one, more pricey but Landon is an awesome sleeper!

Diapers, wipes, baby nail clipping set all needed. Wipes warmer? I say skip it. Otherwise they expect a warm wipe when your out and about and you won't have that! I like Dr. Browns bottles, you need a variety of sizes. Changing pad and covers for your dresser or changing table.

If you're breast feeding by God spend good money on a breast pump. No reason to torture yourself! I have the medela backpack one and it's great.

You also need a boppy to lean baby or you on!

You must have Lilly Padz as well, vs the cloth pads for leaky boobies. They are so much better!!!

Baby needs a bathtub for sure and if you don't have bathroom counter space do it on the kitchen counter like me! Remember babies like to be warm so keep a warm washcloth on the tummy or they'll scream! Speaking of, you need about 6 washcloths so you don't have to wash all the time, also steal as many cloth diapers from the hospital as you can, they make great burp cloths. Sure you'll have fancy ones for when you go out, but for at home these work great. I have about 20!

You also need about 10 bibs that are washable and go with cute little outfits.
I love all the Mustela bathing products and lotions. still use them on Landon because they smell amazing!

NO IDEA what baby diaper trash can works...I still have no clue how to solve the diaper stinky trash problem. If you know tell me!

You need a bouncy chair,

a baby swing, an exersaucer

and a gymini Kick and play.

If you travel a lot or if you like to socialize at friends then you need a pack and play portable crib. Perfect for naps at friends houses!

Overwhelmed yet? You need a stroller too. So many new cool brands. Which one do you like?

Tomorrow, more Baby Stuff! Make sure you enter my give away in yesterday's post!


Jessi said...

JW loved the floor mat and a bouncy seat saved my sanity - I actually could take a shower! White long sleeve onesies are great too - JW sleeps in those with a sleep sack. And some kind of swaddle blanket or sleep sack with swaddle definitely helps get the sleep hours at night.

And for those with grandparents and other family far away - those recordable books at Hallmark are Awesome. My parents have done 2 for JW. I love that he gets to hear their voice more often!

"Cookie" said...

The swing was our lifesaver! Also... as for monitors... the Anglecare Movement Monitor! I would not have a baby without this. This monitor allowed me to sleep peacefully at night and not worry about my little ones.

Kayris said...

I'd say to borrow as much as you can. My first LOVED the swing but the second hated it. My first wouldn't have a thing to do with the bouncer, but my second loved it. I found I needed very little that people said I did. And for the second, when I had a needy 2 year old as well, my ring sling was a lifesaver for everything from breastfeeding while taking a walk to cooking dinner hands free. I'm also a little surprised you're condoning stealing from the hospital. At the place I delivered, sometimes they ended up so short on blankets there were not enough for all the newborns because people were stealing them. Plain burp cloths from Target cost less than 10 dollars for a package.

DreamTNM said...

I went through your list and whoohoo I have it all on mine! Thanks for sharing!

Bridget said...

What a great list - wish I had this resource when I was getting started!

I had a diaper genie back in the olden days when I had my first (now 14) Changing that thing required a gas mask and the room was stinky for a nice long while - yuck!

Finally gave up and got wise - for my last little cherub - I used this scented little bags (or something similar) and no matter what - you MUST deposit these lovelies in a garbage can outside. There's just no two ways about it imho ;)