
Potty Training Day 1- Goodbye Pampers?

Yes, it's time. Coco is headed to camp soon, and they have asked that we at least "start" potty training. She also starts preschool in the fall. To be honest, I am dreading this. First probably because this is my last baby in diapers. I want to just see those little pampers a little longer. It's the last part of my "Baby Coco".

Secondly potty training with Landon was NO FUN. He seemed to get the peeing part but the poo poo on the potty took FOREVER. I know TMI.

So here we are at Day 1. I am armed with Dora underpants, training underwear, a cars potty, a Dora toilet seat topper, and lots of juice. I'll also reward her with little prizes when she goes. I wonder if she knows what's coming. I told her all yesterday that today was the big day.

She kept repeating "peepee in the potty"!!! Let's hope it's that easy.


Melissa said...

Good luck! I dread doing this in a few years!

"Cookie" said...

Good luck!! My almost 4 yr old refuses to use the potty!! As in no way in hell will he do it. So frustrating. I've heard that most girls are a lot easier than boys. Saying that.... my 16 month old will go sit on the potty in his diaper and when he gets up he's peed in the diaper. I'll probably be training BOTH my sons at once. *head to desk*

DreamTNM said...

Good luck!

ANYA said...

Best of luck! Marc was potty pee trained 2 years ago at 2 years 10 month. He is now 4 years, 8 months old and we are into our 4TH MONTH of formal Poop training!!!! His autism has a lot to do with it and the fear of releasing anything. However after hundreds of toys, trips, boxes of books in the bathrooms, hours of singing in the bathroom, multiple therapists and reward charts and stickers - the bottom line was he was just not ready. OK I just had to vent for those Moms out there that only had to deal with it for a couple of weeks. It has been 2 years! Ugggghhhh. Hopefully Coco will learn to go quickly - for your sake. Lots of hugs and patience!

Courtney said...

Good luck!!

Suburban Princess said...

It took months for my son to get the hang of any of it! My goodness the hours I have spent sitting on the edge of the bath singing songs and holding the sippy cup. Finally now he will tinkle and only this week did a poop for the first time on the toilet. And he turned 3 in April. Le sigh.

I have heard from moms of girls that girls are sooooooooo much easier to potty train so you will have Coco in big girl undies in no time!

BroncoMom said...

Sending out lots of good luck wishes!!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

Hahaha, I love this post! Good luck! I know when I was little I got one M&M for peepee in the potty and 2 for poops!

Alexandra Bee Blog said...

Hahaha, I love this post! Good luck! I know when I was little I got one M&M for peepee in the potty and 2 for poops!

Maureen said...

My little Lulu was a walk in the park compared to her brother. I hope it's the same for you!

Lori said...

Ha, can't wait to see how it's going. I'm guessing it will be a breeze for Miss Coco ~ especially with that fab potty! :D

The Morrows said...

How did you know she was ready? Did you give her juice, and then put her on the potty each time she took a sip?
I am about to start with my 2 year old and I have NO CLUE!!