Not So Fabulous Forties- My Eyes Are Going!

Imagine having perfect eyesight for 40 years and then whammo! Suddenly I cannot read things up close and my vision is blurry! I mean WTF.

This fabulous forty thing is something I subscribe too. I enjoy all propoganda to this end. I even have my forty things to do before forty list going. Do you? Start one! Here's my whole blog dedicated to it!

Anyhoo, so when I notice my eyes are going bonkers I am not thrilled to say the least. Suddenly I imagine I am going blind (dramatic screenwriter here) and will need friends and family to cart e around with my walking stick. I head in for my first eye exam. I ask husband, who has been wearing contacts for years, how this is going to go. I don't want someone touching my eyeball. I mean that is yucky. He assures me nothing bad will happen. Hmph.

At the eye doc, he does all these tests, can you see the shaky line, can you read these letters, how about now? Now? NOW?

The good news? My eyes are healthy and my general eyesight is 20/20. Bad news? I need glasses for computer (which I am on 29 hours a day) and for reading (who has time to read a book?). This is made more upsetting by the fact that my mother has readers and this will be added to the list of ways I am turning into her. But that's a whole other post.

How are your eyes?


prince snow farm said...

I am 44(almost 45)...and just this summer I have gone through the same thing...thinking they are writing smaller on shampoo so they can save money on ink...a girl can dream right? I;ve only had one gray hair, so I guess something as to go!

PaperCourt said...

I need to go to the eye doc. I'm totally overdue and I know my vision could probably be clearer. You'll look fab in your readers!

Suburban Princess said...

Jeez I'm not even 40 and have to carry reading glasses in my purse! I always feel like an idiot when I have to take them out to read a menu - why do they make the print so small on those little creamers?!

Miss Sweet Tea said...

You'll look cute in readers!!!

The 5 Bickies said... eyes certainly aren't getting any better. I started wearing glasses at 17 and currently wear contacts. At 44 (45 in 8 days!) I can barely read small writing without good lighting. I just had to ask a friend to read a number off of a business card for me. I think cheaters are in my future and I'm not happy about!

Mary T said...

Geez! I keep getting more and more confirmation from people that the forty and eyesight goes is not a myth!

Guess my turn's a coming!

Melissa said...

I noticed months ago that I couldn't see things far away too well anymore, and I failed the eye test during my physical. My husband finally convinced me to go to the eye dr. and it turns out that I need glasses for everything except the computer or reading, but my vision is still clearer when I wear glasses for those things, so I just wear them all the time. I'm only 25 and always prided myself on my fabulous 20/20 vision. I kind of felt like a failure having to get glasses lol. I think my glasses are cute and I like the way I look in them! I won't do contacts because they freak me out! :P

Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled said...

I am soooo with you! Got my fab no-line bifocals at least they are tres' chic! :)

Debra said...

You're not alone! I remember turning 40, then 41 & 42 with no eye problems at all. Well, I didn't make it past 42! Now I even have to make sure I have my glasses to read menus at restaraunts. And forget the really small print. At least I still just need them for reading - for now!!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I shouldn't even comment because I won't be 40 for 2 more days (hahaha) but it's the computer. When I worked on one continuously I had to get contacts. I foresee glasses for reading for me in the near future, too. :(

LPC said...

At 53 I've been living with this for a decade. You can get great cheap reading glasses, decorated to be cute, at Whole Foods! Then all you need is a strategy for where you keep them when they are not in use. Now my long distance sight is finally going, having been better than average all my life. Progressives, as this point, become your friend.

Claire said...

I'm glad Monogramgirl said that about shampoo bottles - who has their glasses on in the shower!!! I now buy shampoo and conditioner in two different color bottles - I didn't start wearing glasses fulltime until after I turned forty.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

I can totally relate to this! When I hit forty, suddenly I couldn't read the print on a stinkin' shampoo bottle!!! I noticed I was holding my books at arm's length to read them! Then I discovered fashionable reading glasses and my world was a brighter place! I decided to embrace those puppies and make them a fashion accessory! I have about a dozen pairs now!

bevy said...

I love my hot pink readers... and yes, I am 41.