
The Ten Best Movies You've Never Heard Of

Some of us, and by us I mean ME, are cutting back and needing some fun things to do over the summer. After a day at the beach or by the pool, nothing beats a movie! I thought I'd give you my list of the ten best movies you've never heard of. These are rentals darlings! To be Netflixed!

1) Lace- If you haven't seen this movie, you have not lived! It's a TV movie with the famous line "Which one of you bitches is my Mother?". It stars Phoebe Cates, Bess Armstrong, Brooke Adams, and Arielle Dombasie. Phoebe plays a very successful porn star type, who is trying to find her Mother. Taking place mostly in flashback, we learn the story of three boarding school girls who are hiding a pregnancy and not telling who it is. Years later, and now out of touch, they are brought together to solve this mystery among others. It's so fun to see what they were like as teens and now as Mothers. Even better to see Phoebe Cates play a bitch!

2) The Four Seasons- You know I love Carol Burnett, but I love her more in this movie where she is funny and real. The movie follows three middle aged couples who vacation together. One of them goes through a divorce, thus sending everyone into a tail spin when a young and adorable Bess Armstrong (what am I her agent?) comes along. You can live vicariously through them going on a sailboat, skiing, and having fun together. Alan Alda, Jack Weston, and Rita Moreno round out the amazing cast.

3. Shirley Valentine- Ever wonder what it would be like to give up your sucky life and move away to Greece? Shirley's living the worst life ever in Liverpool as housewife to a jerky husband. She wins a trip to Greece and finds herself in a big way. Not only does she find love, she learns how to get her sassy self back. So fun to see her life in Greece, my favorite place on earth!

4. Auntie Mame- I realize some people have still not experienced the wonder and fabulousness of Rosalind Russel playing Mame Dennis. The fabulous outfits,  the often decorated apartment on Park Ave, and crazy antics are worth the price of admission. It has my favorite line in it: "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!". Even in financial ruin you have to love her and the way she bounces back. Note to self, watch movie again.

5. Protocol- Goldie Hawn is adorable as a cocktail waitress who is thrown into a government protocol job. She is sweet and unassuming but is no match for the Washington types. That is, until she saves everyone's asses. Fun! I love her gay roommate, who I only wish had more air time!

6. House Sitter- Goldie Hawn again plays a waitress but this time she is way more devious. She worms her way into Steve Martin's house and heart with her lies. Some of the funniest scenes are of them "fake fighting" and getting confused by their own BS! Dana Delaney adeptly plays Steves very prim and propper old flame. Hysterical. You have to see Goldie in African Dance class!

7. Flamingo Kid- Matt Dillon plays a cute boy from the inner city who is charmed by a rich business man when he gets a summer job a the Flamingo Beach Club. Janet Jones plays the sexy rich girl he falls for. Such great music and summer fun!

8. Mystic Pizza- Want to see Julia Roberts before she was reeeeaaaly famous!? This is a cute movie about three girls working at the Mystic Pizza place in Mystic Connecticut. They are working class girls with big dreams and a lot of drama!

9.  Max Dugan Returns- This is such a cute family movie and Mathew Broderick is practically a baby in it! Living with this single mother, a teacher, they don't have much but they have laughs. Along comes a mystery man who turns out to be his mothers long lost jail bird father. Suddenly presents and a fantasy rich life begins for the very happy Mathew and his reluctant mother! Funny and great for the whole family!

10. Six Pack- Kenny Rogers race car is attacked by a band of petty criminals who happen to be kids! Diane Lane is the oldest one of the brothers and sisters who have been orphaned and are just trying to survive. Watch them play on the emotions of a guy who is used to the single life! He can't help but make them his pit crew.

What are your favorite movies no ones heard of?


nanny said...

I can't wait to put the ones I haven't seen in my Netflix Que.....I love Four Seasons, great movie. Watched Mystic Pizza last week, keep hearing about it...I liked it.
Thanks for the list.

Seersucker Scrapper said...

I love the Four Seasons! I also love House Sitter.

Great list!

Mary T said...

I've seen them all except Four Seasons, which I added to my Netflix queue.

I'm a sucker for The Trouble With Angels. No one has heard of it, but it and its sequel had nuns so as a Catholic School kid I loved it. It's cheesy, bad 60's viewing but I still watch. :)

bevy said...

OMW... I actually READ the book "Lace" when I was in high school. Tres scandalous! And "The Flamingo Kid" was so cute and preppy... and cute Matt Dillon. Finally, I own "Mystic Pizza". What a great movie...

One of my favorites came out about ten-fifteen years ago, "The Program". OK, it is about a college football program. But it was filmed in my hometown of Columbia, SC and we hung out with the "football players/actors" down in the local bars they filmed in. Yes, we were groupies! LOL

Suburban prep said...

OH I remember watching Lace. Forgot all about it.
I went to Greece once (one of my brother's married a woman from Athens and the wedding was on the water overlooking the sea). I then had to watch Shirley Valentine and Mama Mia because of the Greek background. My parents were actually in Greece this past April for Easter and well they were delayed for a few reasons (my father had some heath issues and then the Icelandic volcano).

Yep I like Mystic Pizza too. Just because.

One of my favorite movies is Tequila Sunrise. I know that people have heard of it --it just isn't too popular.

Suburban Princess said...

I love Shirley Valentine!
I saw it when it was first in the theatres :O) Such a great movie! It was like she read The Rules :O)

Mystic Pizza is another one I saw waaayyyy back when. I have always loved it and just saw it again a few weeks ago!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

I've only seen Mystic Pizza in your list, so I think I should try some more of these. One movie that's so cute, that many haven't seen is called Savannah Smiles. An oldie, but goody. :)

Travelbugmom said...

I, too, only saw mystic pizza! So glad to add these to my que!! Thanks!

Bethany said...

I LOVE Protocol. There are so many cute lines in the movie like when she is dressed like an Emu and when she reads aloud at the National Archives. Goldie Hawn is so cute.

Kayris said...

We went to Mystic, CT a couple of summers ago and actually ate at Mystic Pizza. (OMG....SOOOOOOOO yummy!!!) And then we rented the movie when we got home out of curiosity. Cute movie!

LPC said...

Thank you so much for these recommendations.

Poolside with the Girls said...

I've seen a few of those, my fav would be Mystic Pizza.

My cousins lived in Mystic so we were there all the time as kids.

Love love loved that movie!

Preppy Mama said...

Auntie Mame is an all time favorite. I swear that movie had the all time best one-liners!!

The Swanky Socialite said...

Mystic Pizza is hands down one of my top 5 favorite movies. I am lucky enough to have grandparents that live about 20 minutes from Mystic, so I have visited the town (and the pizzeria!) many times. Flamingo Kid was one of my favorites growing up. I haven't seen it in probably 10 years, so thanks for the reminder!

SLS said...

Oh, I love Mystic Pizza! One of my all time favorite movies! I will have to check the rest of them out, I love a good movie!!!

Jessica Ryan said...

Mystic Pizza... LOVE and actually her co-star Anabeth Gish (Lillian Gish's grand-daughter) is wonderful and steals the show!

justme said...

oh i remember LACE and how it was on for 3 nights or something, just wanting to find out WHO the mother was.

auntie mame is a classic

mystic pizza - fav line "bring home your poor porteguese girlfriend, shake up the family" LOVE IT

flamingo kid. love it.

Kiki said...

Mystic Pizza is a cute movie, visited there a bit too and love the sweet town!!! Loved House Sitter.....and can't believe someone named Savannah Smiles....such a sweet movie from when I was growing up.

Another fave of mine that I never saw in theaters was Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow....LOVE this movie!!!

Debra said...

Mystic Pizza - what a great movie - I don't know how many times I have seen that - at least a dozen, probably more! Love Four Seasons, too.

Kiki mentioned Sliding Doors - I give that one a thumbs up, too!

Annabel Manners said...

Great list! I love the Flamingo Kid too. Let's see... my unheard-of faves are Shag: The Movie and Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation. So fun!

Julie said...

I loved Max Dugan Returns growing up - it was a family favorite! Also enjoyed Mystic Pizza and Protocol :)

A few other 80s guilty pleasures: The Sure Thing, Valley Girls, Mac & Me

Julie said...

Oops! Correction: Valley GIRL.

Kate said...

I own Mystic Pizza. Great movie and I love that it is Matt Damon's first role!