
Sanity Break- The Mini Vacation

Balboa Island in California is a mini vacation for the Mr. and I. We love the pretty houses, quaint little main street and shops. This would be the perfect place to rent for the summer. You have to take a ferry to get on the island, Landon thought it was his first time (he can't remember the first!), and he loved it.

We strolled along, and Landon even took Coco's hand to walk with her. They are too cute!

The houses there are just the cutest things. I dream of owning one!

We had a lovely day and even put our feet in the sand and ocean. Everyone needs a mini vacation now and again. Where's your mini vacation spot? Something close by or even in your back yard! I'd love to hear!


caryn said...

I live on the coast of MA on the same property where my summer house was growing up. It is wonderful, however, I still love the short drive to Cape Cod for our mini vacations. Although we live right on the beach there is nothing like taking a quick trip to the Cape or renting a small New England cottage and just totally relaxing.

Suburban prep said...

How beautiful and wonderful that you were able to get away if only for the day. Sometimes that is all it takes.
Hopefully my husband and I will be able to go somewhere this summer. We haven't gone of done much these last few years because of the economy and a few other reasons.
Actually our favorite place to go that is near by is Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (just over the boarder by about 45 minutes).

PaperCourt said...

Our favorite day trip getaway is a little town called Winthrop on Bainbridge Island...just a 20 minute ferry ride from downtown Seattle. We also love Seabrook on the Washington Coast for weekend getaways.

Annabel Manners said...

I need to check out Balboa - it looks adorable! I'm partial to Palm Springs but it's just too hot right now. Yay for mini vacays!

Bridget said...

How pretty!!! When we go to the Cape in the summer my FAVORITE mini day vacay is taking the Island Queen to Martha's Vineyard for the day. I took sock monkey there 2 summers ago - here are my favorite "hot spots" Put it on your "to do" list!

This day we went to Oaks Bluff - love it!

Seersucker Scrapper said...

How beautiful! I just love coastal towns. We haven't really taken any mini vacas but I suppose that is because we are always at our house up in Maine.

I would love to go to the Cape or Nantucket one of these days. Believe it or not, I have never been.

Gorgeous photos!

Miss Sweet Tea said...

I love to go to Carlsbad! It's amazing how much more calm and relaxed the atmosphere is than busy LA. It's always nice to get a breather from real life!

I haven't been to Balboa Island, but now I want to check it out! Your pictures are great!!

Debra said...

How fun! It's so beautiful there. I am partial to the beach but our fun, quick getaway here is actually to the Hualapai Mountains - about an hour away time wise but a world away in every other way. There is snow in the winter (it's about 7000 ft there) which we don't get here and it's about 20 degrees or so cooler during the hot summer.

Savvy in San Francisco said...

I love that Landon is holding Coco's hand! So sweet! We headed up north from San Francisco to Sonoma to drop off the kids with my parents so hubby and I could have a date night. It was a gorgeous warm night and we don't get too many warm nights in SF. So walking around and having dinner on the patio at the El Dorado Hotel feels like we are on vacation. Just a quick break for a couple of hours, but it feels like we have gone somewhere else. Love it!

Sandra said...

What a delightful place! And Landon and Coco are so cute. She's such a toddler now!! Lovely family Miss Fabulous. xoxo

BroncoMom said...

Many years ago when I lived on the west coast, Balboa Island was one of my favorite places to hang out. So beautiful and charming...aahhhh. I can feel the blood pressure dropping as I type this Mom!!

The 5 Bickies said...

I loved Balboa Island when I lived in LA! I also loved Manhattan Beach. Both felt like a huge escape from my apartment on Poinsettia Place near La Brea.

I don't have anything quite that nice here but I do like to escape to the adirondack chairs on our porch for early morning coffee while I read a magazine. It doesn't happen often but when it does it feels decadent!

Henley on the Horn said...

How precious! Thank you for sharing these pics.

Henley on the Horn said...

How beautiful! NOt sure if I just posted or not!

Danielle Moss said...

Love it! We rented a beach house there for a week or two one summer when I was 11 or 12. Our nanny came with us (she was in her mid 20s) and we went all over the island on our rollerblades! Loved it!

Preppy Mama said...

Sounds so lovely! I am loving that photo of Landon holding Coco's hand!! Precious!

Courtney said...

What a wonderful place to visit and get away for a day.

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

I love Balboa Island. I have so many memories going there. Perhaps I had my first make-out session with a really rice boy who lived there....

mommy2davin said...

Looks so pretty and relaxing!
Just wanted to say Hi and say I have a new blog. Please stop by when you get a chance. Hopefully I can get it and keep it going.

Debbie said...

That place looks wonderful! I'd love it there too.
Our spot is in the mountains.

Ashley said...

LOVE your blog!!!!! And the tip of the week...OMG it is sooo true! My son is obsessed with them!Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading through your blog a little more!

Andy said...

Block Island is our little secret. And you can't beat a drive to the Cape!

Claire said...

Love stopping at the 65th Ave. beach parking area here in Myrtle Beach and walking out the walkway to sit on one of the benches with my back against the railing and my feet up on the seat watching the waves.

bevy said...

that place is lovely... but i know that my mini-vacations would be sans children. I do love them, but I need a vaca every once in a while too!

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

I love those beach homes, I'll take one too! Your children are adorable, sounds like a great time!