
7th Year Anniversary! Lucky 7!

I have a thing for 7's. My lacrosse number was 17. I grew up in tow houses one on 17 Claremont and the other at 34 (3+4=7) Walworth. Our first house was at 1006 Queen Anne (1+6!). I am always looking for 7's. Well look no further because The Mr. and I are celebrating 7 years of marriage.

Hubby and I met at a 2 year olds birthday party. Neither of us should have been there. We didn't really know "Jake", I knew his parents a little. I had even just told my friends that I would probably never marry, and that that was okay (right). I met hubby, wearing an Lacoste shirt and khaki shorts, basically my fathers weekend uniform. I was drawn to him. He was funny. I was still not thinking he was my husband, just that he was so funny! He got all my jokes!

He asked me out, I said no. Then, a double date. I only said yes because I wanted a free meal! HA! Then when I showed up, I saw him at the bar waiting for me. He was so happy to see me. So genuinely happy to see me! I said, under my breath, I'm gonna marry this guy. Guess what? I did.

Three weeks later he moved in, six months later we were engaged and a year later we were married in Malibu. Lucky? I think yes.

I love you babe. We made it to seven years and we'll make it to twenty-seven. It' s you and me against the world. You and me and the most gorgeous kids in the world. We have the most beautiful family and we are blessed. We are resting in God's perfect love.


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog, Happy Anniversary!

Pretty Personal Gifts said...

Congratulations on 7 years! Your wedding photo looks like something out of a magazine!

Always Organizing said...

Fantastic post! Happy Anniversary :)

Suburban Princess said...

Happy Anniversary!
That's a great story! I knew mine was the one for the same sort of reason :O) Congratulations!

Kim said...

Awww, what a great story! Congratulations!

Maureen said...

Happy Anniversary! Loved reading this - warmed my heart for the day! Thank you!

Suburban prep said...

Congratulations and many many more happy years to come.

nanny said...

Congrats on your 7 year mark
Beautiful pictures....
Genuinely happy to see you....that is the key!
Have a great day!

Bridget said...

Happy Anniversary and cheers to many many more! xo

Jen said...

Happy Anniversary! Isn't life sweet?

PaperCourt said...

Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Love you BBBF!

-The Mr.

LPC said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary and wishes for many more happy years together!!

Savvy in San Francisco said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! I also love the number 7...we were married on the 25th (2+5+7), we were both born on the 27th day, and Hubby is exactly 2 years and 7 months older than me!

Wishing you many more years of happiness!!


Mrs. R said...

Yayy!! I love your story! Happy Anniversary.

Muffy said...

Congrats on 7! May you have 100 more!!!! ;)

Karen said...

Happy Anniversary!! The number 7 i also special for us...we were married on the 25th (2+5+7), we were both born on the 27th day, and Hubby is exactly 2 years and 7months older than me!

Wishing you many more years of happiness!!


mFw said...

Happy Anniversary! What a fun story!

Kiki said...

Oh Happy Day!!! We here at the Bee Hive love 7 too and got married on July 7th!!!! Happy Anniversary to a lovely couple who deserves 700 more happy anniversaries!!!

Sandra said...

Happy Anniversary to two precious people. xoxo

Jessica Ryan said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope it was wonderful! I love 7 too! My anniversary is next week on the 14th... that's a double 7, isn't it?!!

Come stop by my blog... I have something wonderful for all my Lilly lovers today!

Beth Dunn said...

Happy A!
You are on my blog today


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Happy happy anniversary!! You have such a beautiful fam!

Eloise said...

Happy Anniversary! You and your husband are such a cute couple (it goes without saying that you are FABULOUS together). I wish you many more years of wedded bliss!

Barefoot in the Park said...

i loved reading your story! happy anniversary!!

bevy said...

Happy Anniversary! Ours was on the 2nd... What a great month for weddings! BTW, you two look just FABULOUS in that pic...