
No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Dealing with inevitable job loss, husband and I have been stressed but we are coming together and trying to make the best of things. We've even been inspired! These are the times to try new things and stretch in new directions. When I am having my normal "worried moments" about our future, I just think of this guy. He is truly inspiring. I will never say can't again!


Seersucker Scrapper said...

I saw this on facebook. He is truly amazing and such an inspiration.

Hope things work out for you soon!

bevy said...

Oh my goodness... I am in tears. My husband's condition seems so do-able compared to this. What an amazing man.

Know that you and your husband have been in my prayers re his job situation.

justme said...

saw this last week and loved it....truly inspiring

Suburban Princess said...

I saw this a few years ago - it really makes one stop and think!

Dugout Daisy said...

wow... what an inspiration! thank you for sharing that with us. and itz true that when you're in a bad situation that things feel like they're never going to get better, but then afterwards you can look back and think 'I came out on the other side of that and I'm ok'
you and your husband, along with your family, will make it out on the other side

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful video. Thank you for sharing! And remember- "This too shall pass."

Bridget said...

I love this guy! He is really a great example for us all. Good luck with everything - you'll pull through, I just know it.

Mrs. R said...

Thanks for sharing, I shed tears in less than 3 min!! You often forget that there are ppl in this world that have gone through what you have and then some! If they can have a good attitude, there is nothing stopping you from having one.