
Next Blog- Surfing The Blog World And Finding Yourself

I did something interesting this weekend. A little experiment. With one writing project finished WOOT! And another starting today, I took a break this weekend to enjoy some blogging. I was leaving a comment on someones blog when I looked up at the top of the page and saw "next blog". I have seen this before, maybe clicked on it once, but there it was again and I just thought...what is the next blog?

I clicked it and discovered a sweet mom in Texas with three boys. I felt like we had a lot in common, I loved seeing her cute family. I decided I would become a follower and leave her a comment. Then I did it again, I clicked next blog. The next one was a young girl into fashion. She was funny! Again I became a follower and left her a comment. Next blog. The next one was a mom dealing with the loss of a child and her marriage ending. I left her a comment, what could I really say, told her to just hang in there. Losing a child is a nightmare. I don't know how people survive it. I went along, blog after blog seeing everyone's lives. It was amazing. Sure there were a few freaky ones, but not too bad. I was just fascinated by the whole blog world out there. All going on simultaneously. We are all dealing with new babies, love, loss, kids, summer plans, houses, husbands and pets. Everyone has a story, a spiritual journey that they are sharing. It warmed my heart to be a part of this vast community of people sharing their lives.

I remember when I started this blog, I was nervous, not sure what to write about. Now years later, and now my 838th post (yowsa!), I still love to get comments as much as I did then! I get excited to find new bloggy friends, tell you about something I love, or ask a question and see how you answer.

How about today, after reading this post, hit next blog. Maybe you'll meet a new friend. Or maybe, you'll meet yourself.


Henley on the Horn said...

You were fortunate! I always seem to find the weirdos when I hit next blog! :)

Uncommon Blonde said...

I've tried this but not had much success, maybe I'll re-visit this idea.

BTW - I LOVE miss Coco's bathing suit in the photo!

Ink Obsession Designs said...

Okay, I am so going to try the "Next Blog" link and see what I come up with! :)


I love you Mrs.!!! I have been praying for you and the Mr. on the job hunt!! Everyday I pray...I hope you feel them!! I read your blog daily and lots of times I don't leave comments b/c of full time work, kids, yadda yadda yadda....but you are awesome! Happy Monday!

Lin said...

I'm glad you found some new blogs to follow. I've actually found some great blogs by clicking 'next blog'. I think I'll try it again & see what I get...

Suburban Princess said...

You dont have the next blog function enabled on your blog lol!
I love clicking next blog to see what I come up with - I always find something interesting!

nanny said...

That's cool....I love finding new blogs to follow!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll have to try the "Next Blog" button! I usually find new blogs from the sidebars of the blogs I already like - like yours!

The 5 Bickies said...

I didn't find any kindred spirits but did read about oreo lovers, traveling monks and youth pastors. Still interesting stuff and a fun experiment!

BroncoMom said...

Great idea and thanks for the suggestion. This will be fun!

Beth Dunn said...

Oh my little coco-could she b any cuter?

LPC said...

OK. I will try it on your recommendation.

Solar Powered said...

thanks, i think i will. now i have to find the next blog button :)

DreamTNM said...

Just came across your blog :) I'm a new follower!!

preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

Great idea! BTW...congrats on surpassing 800 posts! Nice job!! :) PLD

ilovepink said...

Thanks for your comment. I've been crazy! So much going in! I do miss the blogging world and hope to catch up soon! Btw, your babies are precious!!!!

Sandra said...

Darling picture! It seems like just yesterday that Coco was born! xoxo

Debra said...

Fun idea. I will give it a try!

Claire said...

I love just going to blogs on people's favorite's list!

the pink prep said...

you found me! and now i've met you -- i love your blog! I'm a relatively new blogger (under 100 posts) but am really loving it! and i really like meeting new friends out here in blogland! looking forward to getting to know you better!