
Fabulous Movie! Sex and The City 2!

Okay so the first one was better but I would pay $10 to see these girls sit and eat grapefruit. I just want to spend time with them! I miss them when they aren't around! You too? Since I know many of you haven't seen it yet (hello, some of us Mom's won't see it until it comes out on DVD because we cannot get there!!), I won't spoil all the surprises. Instead I'll just give a few little statements.

The outfits are fabulous. My favorites are Samantha's bathing suit by the pool, and Mirandas at the wedding!
Miranda looked amazing the whole movie, the best she's ever looked.
One spoiler: Liza Minelli gives a performance in the movie. I DIED. I love her. LOVE. There she was doing a performance of a very modern song. I will be buying the DVD for this ALONE. PS Liza is in a very short black sequined shirt and she's still got it. Go Liza!
He's in the trailer so this isn't a giveaway, Aidan is hot. Good to see him!
And last, my favorite scene in the movie is with Charlotte and Miranda admitting how hard motherhood is! Fantastic! A must see!


Lindsay said...

I saw the movie too and I am in %100 agreement with your review. The first on was better but spending another 2 hours with these women was worth the $10!

Lindsay said...

I saw the movie too and I am in %100 agreement with your review. The first on was better but spending another 2 hours with these women was worth the $10!

KatiePerk said...

I agree with all of your statements. I want to now wear long nightgowns and slips a la Carrie. That long green ruffly one was to die for. I also thought Miranda was fabulous!

DawnW said...

I agree with you about just wanting to hang out with the girls! I miss them when they're gone too - as crazy as that sounds since I've never met them and likely never will!! Ahh, a mom/housewife can dream...I also totally agree with you about Miranda! She's never looked better and I loved her outfits - esp. the green number with the head wrap that she wore out by the pool. It was great!!!

Jen said...

Now, I actually liked this one better. I think because they were still *them*, but a little more relate-able as 3 out of 4 are married and half of them had kids. More focus on real life issues. My girlfriend also loved the scene with Charlotte and Miranda dishing on motherhood. I agree Miranda looked the best she'd ever looked. Loved it!

Unknown said...

Oh My God, I could not disagree with you more!!! I thought Liza looked like a "jib jab" character. What was that whole wedding thing about anyway??! The clothes were horrible. The character development of the women was so lacking. I have lost total respect for Kim. Her role was just plain vulgar. What the heck happened to Carrie??? I thought the best part of the movie was the scene when Big turned the tables on her. They were just chasing the $$$$ all the way to the bank. If you have not seen this movie, you have missed nothing.

Beth Dunn said...

Dying to see it! Can't wait. Wish I could have seen it with you. xoxo

Melissa said...

I enjoyed it, but agree with you that the first one was better! This was one was fun!

Liza looked fabulous in that short black dress, and I loved her performance!

Also agree that Miranda looked awesome.

Sweet Southern Prep said...

That's by far my favorite scene too! Loved it as well. Going again to see it next week with other girlfriends. One time is never enough, and any excuse to have drinks with friends is a must in my book! :)

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I just saw this movie last night! I really liked it! There were so many parts that had me laughing. My favorite scene was the one with Charlotte and Miranda too. It was so true!

Summer is a Verb said...

You mentioned my 2 fav scenes; Liza and Charlotte and Miranda cocktailing and crying. Besides that I was pretty let down. But, the wardrobe was fantastic. I'll take one of everything Carrie wore pleazzzze...XXOO

Natasha in Oz said...

I loved it too! It was fun and a bit grown up this time. It was funny listening to when people laughed actually. I went with a group of mothers who laughed at very different times to young, free and singles!

Just found you via Beth-love your blog!

Best wishes,

Mama K said...

just found your blog too. i loved when miranda and charlotte talked about motherhood. they nailed it on the head!!
