It started off like any day, in fact lately it feels like every day is the SAME day. Feed the baby, she spits up all over me and her, change the baby, change myself, try to stop the baby from screaming...and it goes on.
But this day was different. Even though Coco threw up between my toes and down my pants, Landon was melting down and my back was feeling like I had a full time job as a piano mover....I decided to try on my pre-pregnancy jeans. I think I was trying to depress myself, because no way were they going to fit this fast.
And then it happened.
They fit. THEY FIT! Now come on these jeans are a size 14, but I DON'T CARE! They aren't maternity and they fit!!!!!!!!!
I am only 8 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, but it's the permanently pregnant stomach that is killing me. I am about to break out my yummy tummy tank tops! I can't do ab work until 12 weeks after my c section, so I have to wait 6 more weeks....bummer...but I am feeling hopeful that I can get back into shape! Not my pre-pregnancy weight but my wedding weight. That means I have about 20 pounds to lose. Weight watchers is the only way and I will start back next week.
How did you lose your pregnancy weight? Did it come off fast? Slow? Any good tips? Do tell!
Congrats on fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans - that rocks!!! :)
Yay for fitting in the pre preg jeans! :)
I know how you feel! Being out of maternity clothes is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. Having lost 59 pounds and being just 7 pounds away from my wedding weight, I am going to be very honest. The first thing I had to do was quit nursing. This was a very hard decision but after being pregnant and nursing for almost 4 years I had to do it for me. So, when The Lynn was just 3 weeks old I cold turkey quit nursing. Then the diet and exercise began. I count calories, fiber, and sodium (which is basically what weight watchers is). I start each day off with a slimfast, at 10:30 I have a banana, between 12 and 1 I eat around a 300 calorie lunch, at 3:00 I eat a bag of 100 calorie popcorn, supper is usually around 350 calories that consist of chicken or ground turkey (The Biggest Loser cookbooks are great), and then for dessert I either have fruit or 60 calorie pudding. I run at least 3 times a week and I lift weights just about every night. It has been so hard but so rewarding. I have to say my belly is not what it used to be and I dont think it ever will be but at least spanx makes it so much better. Congrats on fitting into your jeans and good luck with the weight loss. I will be cheering you on!
That is awesome that you are in your pre-pregnancy jeans!
I dropped most of my baby weight by breast-feeding and after that watching my portions, but somewhere I forgot about that because I gained so much weight back. Now I am trying to drop it again. Good Luck, you can do it!
Pilates, pilates, pilates! I swear it works and is worth every penny. You heard me whining about my stomach and now I have muscles again...and I've only been doing it for 3 months!!!
Congrats on fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans!
My current size is a 10, so I'm not too much smaller than you and I have no kids! :P
i got a trainer and found workouts that were fun for me. That's how I got started in tennis (but then stopped when I went back to work)...i found parks and took J strolling, but I put her on my chest to add her weight to my workouts, I just moved and lifted weights...
Congrats! Sure hope Baby Coco will make your life less hectic soon!!
YAY! That's great!
Now THAT is a milestone! You have my sincere admiration.
My newborn (#5)is 4 weeks old and I'm not in my pre-preggers jeans yet. I have not really been watching what I eat, but that needs to change.
I lost all my pregnancy weight within 5-6 months of my daughter being born but I agree w/ Pigtails and Pacifiers, it came after I stopped nursing when she was about 3 months old. I also did Weight Watchers and agree it's the only way to go. Congrats on fitting into your jeans - that went a long way to making me feel 'normal' again. Good Luck w/ the rest of it. :)
good for you! That is the BEST feeling ever....
YOU are a ROCK STAR! Yea for OFM!
I know so many people said breastfeeding helped them lose weight, but for me I was just SO hungry all the time when nursing. The weight didn't come off fully until I stopped nursing. But you gotta do what you gotta do, right?
Congrats - truly. You are an awesome mom - keep your head up.
I've seen weight watchers work for many and to me it's the only diet that makes complete sense to live with forever. I am going to start pilates next week - my friend swears by them. My middle is my trouble area and she suggest doing planks off and on while watching your favorite show on tv. I'm going to try it :)
Congrats to you!! I am slowly starting to worry about my post baby clothing.
First off, big congrats to you! Second, my trick that helped was that I suck it up and get up before the boys and work out. I started doing this once our second starting sleeping better, and it really worked to get my metabolism going.
Congrats, Mrs!!! That's awesome...the rest will come off soon.
Not trying to be funny, but I got a stomach flu when #2 was 7 months old. I lost the remaining 10lbs from that, but did everything to keep it from coming back!! Good luck and congrats on the jeans. That's a big deal to us mommies!
Go you! Woo Hoo! Size 14's ARE my skinny jeans. (Don't tell.)
Yay for the pre-pregnancy jeans!
As far as losing it, it came off way faster with baby #2. I attribute it to being in constant motion, there was always something that needed to be done with two young children. I'm sure it also had something to do with breastfeeding!
Go, you!
I'm still not in my pre-pregnancy jeans! I hate you. Just kidding. =) I am wearing non-maternity jeans, just about 15 lbs from where I want to be. I started weight watchers for nursing moms 2 weeks ago and have already seen great results! We can be buddies. =)Congrats to you on your jeans! I hope I'll be there soon.
I just got on the scale and had surprisingly lost 8 lbs in 4 weeks! It seems like when I try to diet, I gain weight. Then, when I just stay busy and forget about the diet, the weight comes off??? I don't get it! I think my weight loss is due to stress. As soon as I started back to work, the weight came off. I don't recommend trying to manage 2 kids, a busy practice, a household with a housekeeper that only comes 2 times a week, during a summer that every member of your family is either getting married, having a baby, or graduating! I feel like I don't have one free minute of relaxation time! In Sept. When things slow down...I am sure the weight will comw back. But I hope not. Good luck and thanks for letting me vent!
Ahhh! Congrats!!!
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