
Update Gentelmen Farmer!

Apparently when you plant seeds you grow things!!! Who knew!!?? I can hardly believe it!!!! I must be a city girl or somethin' but this shocks me to death! Wait, I was born in Raleigh....

Congrats Hubby!!!


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Wow! Your plants look great! I don't have much of a green thumb, so I haven't tried planting seeds yet. I am happy to have kept my basil and mint plants alive. Tell your husband to share his secrets!

Enjoy your week!

Belle said...

That's fantastic! We still don't have any tomatoes on our vines yet. However, I bought some green ones at the Farmers Market and Hunny fried them for us. YUM!
Great job to your farmer!

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Looks good! I had basil last year. Need to plant it again. Didn't know you were born in Raleigh! I'm close to Raleigh now, but born in Charlotte.

Preppy Lizard said...

We don't have any tomatoes on our vines yet. I just planted some sweet basil this past week. I hope mine looks as good as yours pretty soon!

Sweet Pea Chef said...

I so envy your California sun and garden. We planted our garden, and our basil is doing well, but we are far from tomatoes yet!!

Didn't know you were from NC...my DH was born there too.

Kiki said...

Whoa, nice basil!!! I am going to try some pots like this, another blogger I read suggessted I do that since I can't garden since the house is on the market!

Lori said...

Oh fun~ those look gorgeous! I just bought some seeds the other day to plant...I need to get on it!