
Fabulous Fathers Day

Imagine me...with my Dad and hubby (Landon's Dad of course) on the beach celebrating Fathers Day in St. John. That's where we are after all!!!!

My father graduated Suma Cum Laude from Campbell College. Actually he flunked out after his first year, did a tour in Vietnam, and then came back and graduated at the top of his (smallest college ever) class. He then got himself into Wharton business school. He excelled there and moved to NYC to work for Oppenheimer among others in investment Banking. Now he trades from home in Virginia. My Father has a zest for life that is unshakable. Wherever he goes is where you want to be. He over tips waitresses, is friends with maitre d's and served his country. He'll still get weepy over a Marines commercial but don't tell him I told you. Thanks for this amazing vacation Dad. Truly the trip of a lifetime!


Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I am so glad you get to celebrate father's day with your dad in St. John. He sounds like a wonderful father!

Have fun!

Pigtails and Pacifiers said...

I must say that I am completely jealous of your trip. I am sure you are having a great time. This was a very sweet post about your Dad. He sounds like an amazing guy.

PaperCourt said...

How fun!!!

Belle said...

What an amazing Dad you have! Sounds like a wonderful trip. Hope you're having a great time! BTW, LOVE your hair...

Jill said...

Great to learn a little about your dad. Hope you all are having a wonderful time.

kenady said...

Are you blogging while on vacation? I might have to kick your hiney butt!

Happy Father's Day to your dad and your hubby!

Now go have a vacation!

love, k

Beth said...

What a great pic! Sounds like you had a great time in St. John! I love it there...haven't been in 13 years-wow!

p.s. you wouldn't believe how much the Harborview has changed....and a hotel chain just purchased them and they are putting another 100 million into it. It's really great! Wish I took more pics for you to see of the hotel!