I know that summer is when a lot of people go away. I am lucky enough to go to St. John, but the rest of the summer we'll be at home. It's so wonderful to get any time off, but with gas prices getting as expensive as a good pair of jeans, travel is becoming really way too pricey. Rather than having no vacation at all people are doing "Stay-Cations" where they take a little break at home.
This concept appeals to me because I feel like with all the love and effort I put into the house, I barely get to enjoy it! We just started eating dinner outside by the pool and it is sooooo fabulous. With a pool and a jacuzzi who needs to go ANYWHERE!
Now I know when you have kids part of the problem is they are all over you and you need to get a little change of environment for sanity, but there are nap times, bed times, babysitters, and summer movies. There are also times when just letting them play in the sand box for a while with some new toys may entertain them. Maybe even no TV on at all can be a vacation when you just let the quiet invade the house.
My "stay-cation" would be a day where we're all home. When we can take walks, naps, go in the pool and have a dinner of greek salad, and roasted chicken for dinner out by the pool. Where we sip our wine in the jacuzzi after Landon is all snug in his bed.
What's your ideal "stay-cation?" I'm tagging Tres Poshe, Magnolia Mama, and Kikibee to find out.
Stay-cations sound great! Is that your home? It is beautiful!
I just posted recently about being a tourist in my own city. As a SAHM, I have quite enough of seeing the inside of my own house. But with gas prices the way they are, we don't want to go too far for things to do.
I live in a historical city with tons of things to do, both free and with admissions. So this summer, we're going to check out all those tourist attractions. Some of them I haven't seen since I was a kid.
This sounds very nice- my husband and I were talking- in April we went to London, in May to Puerto Rico (home), last weekend to Naples and in 2 weeks to Chicago. I WANT TO STAY HOME. He wanted to take us on a long vacation far from home and I suggested a 4 day weekend in the Keys instead...driving distance is better for me and our wallet- so freaking expensive!
and ps- is that really your house? I WOULD SO love to stay in! so beautiful!
A Stay-Cation sounds great! I love relaxing at home with my husband and having a glass of wine outside on the porch or watching a movie. It is so nice to stay at home and enjoy a low key night.
I hope you all had a great time in St. John!
Would would be to sleep in past 7:00, go for a long walk through my neighborhood, and then spend the afternoon relaxing with my family. In fact, it would be best if it were raining outside, so that we could all be curled up on the sofa with a stack of great books.
I love the idea of a stay-cation. We have never purposely taken one but we do enjoy just being home without running around.
I love that idea! And your house is beautiful-enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
What a great idea. Since we don't live near my husband's side of the family. Our summer vacation are always spent in the upper Midwest at his family's lakehouse. It's a lot of fun, but not too relaxing. Sometimes there can be as many as 10 of us there and only one bathroom.
Oh you know I am loving this one...could be because I live at the beach, I'll post on my blog.
P.S, So excited that you are tagging me all the way from St, John, how awesome is that????
What a lovely house in the photo - it looks so English?!
So fun! Your stay-cation sounds very relaxing and what it should be! I loved living in AZ and CA and sitting by the pool with cocktail in hand (YEAR ROUND!!!)! Thanks for the tag, I will get on this, too fun.
A stay-cation would be great, on one condition...the hubby and I would not be aloud to open our computers the entire time! As much as I love computers, they are a total time zapper and we both tend to lose focus on the family when we have them on.
One of the best vacations we have ever had was a staycation. We took off to head to the Bahamas. The trip fell through so, we decided to stay at home but did not tell anyone! We spent the entire week relaxing on the boat and no one bothered us since they thought we were out of town! So sneaky but so nice!!!
Not my house!!!
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