
Tagged! While On Vacation!

I may have been in St.John but I don't miss a tag! I was tagged by I love Pink and Etiquettely Correct to share a little info so here goes.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was living in the Hollywood Hills, managing a very "Melrose Place" apartment building, acting and writing.

What are 5 things on your to do list for today?

1)Send Landon's Bday invites.
2) Call and give credit card for landons swim lessons that start wed.
3) Pay health insurance bill.
4) get dates and times grandma and grandpa are flying in for Landons bday.
5) Catch up on blogs!

What snacks do you enjoy?
Oat Bran Pretzels, twizzlers, cottage cheese, pretzel rods, veggie chips.

What places have you lived?
Raleigh NC, Philadelphia, New York, Los Angeles...

What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire?

1) Remodel the house.
2) go to Capri
3) buy the house next door for my sister in law and brother.
4) hire a chef, maid, personal trainer and my nanny full time
5) Buy a range rover!

People you want to know more about.....
I am tagging whoever hasn't done this! I feel like most people have already! Let me know if you do.


Anonymous said...

ok our fave snacks are completely off kilter- mine are chocolate, cupcakes, BBQ rice cakes (try them they are yummy), oreos and Rolos. Hmm...maybe that's why I've gone up a size or two. :S

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

Well, Dahhling, I will just drop you off at Capri... you know from my yacht!!! LOVE that place. Next time I go, I'm staying at the J.K. Place/Capri (might have to sell a kidney but, I think it would be worth it?!?) We can meet for drinks! ;)

Oh, I forgot veggie chips and twizzlers on my list. I'm a big fan of the Nib ones!

Glad you had a great time with the fam on vacay! :)

Andy said...

Looks like a fabulous trip. Where IS your shoe post?

Beth said...

Love the picture!

When I lived out in San Francisco I switched from Twizzlers to Red Vines...now that I'm back on the East Coast I'm back to Twizzlers...it's hard to find RV out here! Glad you had fun!

Blogs by Danielle said...

I have emailed you back twice about your blog. Have you been getting my emails? If not, stop by my blog and leave a comment


Cindy said...

You have a wonderful post-vacation glow! Love your little guy's stripes.

Kiki said...

That Landon is too precious....so glad you are back to regular blogging, we missed you and those sweet updates!!! Take care friend!!!

L.A. Prep said...

I've never been tagged, how do you know if you are?

kenady said...

I played! Please check it out:)

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I thought about you while in Cali.

On Thursday the 12th we drove from La Jolla/Del Mar to Los Angeles because BigGirl begged me to. We didn't see one single celeb! She was sooo disappointed. We ate at Rosti on Beverly Dr.(?) (right around corner from Beverly Wilshire Hotel and across street from a Pinkberry)... we ate there (outside) last summer so we just ate there again. Then had Pinkberry of course. We love that place. We even went to Whole Foods by The Grove and saw no one. I wanted to do some shopping at The Grove or anywhere, but BabyGirl was just acting too antsy.

I'm dying to go somewhere like St. John!