
Toddler Travel! Travel Tips For Moms

We are headed to St. John tomorrow and the only thing we are not looking forward to are the flights! However, I am not going down without a fight. Here's the game plan. Follow these tips so your head doesn't pop off!

1) I am excited to not be bringing the car seat on this flight. Instead we're bringing this!

The Cares airplane safety restraint for infants and toddlers.

I am so excited NOT to be lugging a car seat around the airport.

2) I am bringing a light weight stroller so we can get around a little easier. I am also bringing my computer so we can play his favorite Bob The Builder Video.

3)I have books and other quiet toys and videos he hasn't seen, snacks galore and when all else fails he looooves my singing! Hope everyone else on the plane loves it too!

4) I am going to let Landon run his ass off all over the airport before we get on the plane to wear him out. You never know if they'll sleep on the plane but this will help.

5) Don't count on tylenol or motrin or anything else, we once gave Landon Tylenol before an over night flight and it made him hyper!!!! AWFUL!

6) Bring food and drinks for you and baby! Don't count on plane food!

7) Bring enough food and diapers in case of delays. Once Landon was on a plane for close to ten hours! Thank God I brought extra diapers!!!

I may be leaving tomorrow but I have some fun posts scheduled so keep checking in!


Michelle said...

F-U-N! y'all be safe.

Melissa said...

Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip!

Etiquettely Correct said...

Have fun!

Libby said...

Bon Voyage!

Anonymous said...

just a tiny bit of advice- do bring the tylenol, triaminic with you and even benadryl- when we went to the bahamas my daughter got sea lice (and 'tis the season!) and i was glad i had my us drugs which i paid for locally rather than 20.00 for a little bottle of some stuff i wasn't sure it would be benadryl.

I also found triaminic would knock her out in the plane ;) but movies were a good alternative just get headsets that fit.

He'll be fine. have fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, thank you for being a responsible mother on an airplane! Once, my flight from Auckland to LA was delayed for two hours (we were already on the runway, so just sat, for two hours) because some less than GED parents couldn't control their twin toddlers (identical dressed in identical striped onesies) and they were dashing through the security checks and generally causing pandimonium. On the flight, they let them run up and down the aisles for a while. I'm not ashamed to say that at one point, I casually held out my arm as one was barreling pass and I clothes-lined the kid. Thankfully, the flight attendents gave the parents an earful and they (begrudgingly) forced the children to sit. So I only had to endure 11 of my 13 hours of flight with two crying toddlers. Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus. The whole family needed to be given benadryl.

Tippy said...

1 word for you: Magnadoodle! (unless of course he already has one) - that saved me on a flight. Whipped it out after takeoff and my son was happy for a good 45 mins!

Have a GREAT trip. You deserve it!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Good list! And we applied some of that on our flight here which was delayed 3 HOURS!!!!! ARGGGHHH....

We are not in LA - we're in La Jolla. We were thinking of driving to LA (BigGirl wants to spot some more celebrities ala Lindsay Lohan last year at the Coffee Bean) but you're going to be gone!!! WTH?! Lol.

Etiquettely Correct said...

I tagged you - when you have time

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I liked #4. So true. Wear him out! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

egad! was I deleted or did I just never hit submit? I posted the longest comment ever earlier on- or so I thought- hmmm have a great trip!

PaperCourt said...

Check out the Matchbox Pop-ups. They entertained both of my boys for a five hour flight. And they're great for restaurants once you get to your destination. You can find them at Target.

Cindy said...

Have a great trip! It gets easier as they get older!!

Always Organizing said...

Have a wonderful trip!!!

Karen said...

Have a wonderful vacation! Hope the flight goes well.


Belle said...

Good luck with the flight(s). You sound totally prepared. No sweat. Have a great time!!!!!

Kiki said...

I know you'll have a blast, and can't wait to see all your fun posts!!!

Barefoot in the Park said...

have a wonderful and safe trip!