I attended the Bat Mitzvah of my cute neighbor Sarah. I just adore her and she is turning into quite the young lady! (Also in the picture is another neighbor Jaegen who Landon LOVES!). She did a twenty minute presentation on fashion and how jewish people not only rule the industry but started it! Fascinating. She shared the day with two adorable girls who also gave presentations.
We sat at a table full of our neighbors and had a great time. I loved seeing all the teenager hormones going crazy. After the ceremonial stuff the teenagers went to another room to dance to a DJ. Of course I went in there to see what was going on. They were all standing on the dance floor, separated into groups of boys and girls and talking. No dancing! Too nervous! So cute.
It was fun to see Sarah celebrate such a huge rite of passage. I remember when I was confirmed and I got my bible with my name on it. I felt so darn important! It was great! I also felt like I was really part of something. It's so important to teach your children about their heritage. For them to know where they came from and about their culture. It gives them s sense of themselves over and above what their friends tell them. It gives them a confidence that is based on their souls not on their clothes. Isn't that what we all want for them? To know and love themselves for their unique qualities?
Landon is Czech and Welsh and I am excited for him to know his heritage. It's up to all of us to carry on our ancestors "stories" so that our kids will know the richness of who they are.
Watching the crazy hormonal kids is part of my daily life! It's pretty funny!
well said! love it :)
Looks like a good time was had by all. I remember those jr. high days of groups of boys and girls, but no mingling. Actually, I think it still happens from time to time at adult parties too. Maybe we are all eternally 12:) Ha Ha...
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