
Happy Mother's Day- Chin up!

Happy Mother's Day!

This can be a hard day for those who have lost a Mom or who are unable to get pregnant. It can be heartbreaking! After I was first married the Mr and I tried to get pregnant for a year and a half. It was a miserable time. I can remember, all dressed up in church, bawling looking at all the precious little girls dressed up. I wanted children so badly. It seemed like a cruel joke.

Thanks to in vitro (Landon) and Mojitos (Coco) I became pregnant. Really, the reason I have children at ALL is because of the prayer list at church. So many people prayed for my sweet babies to come and they did.

I just want you to know that things get better. You can be in the pit of depression, your life in the gutter and next year, the sun is shining. This is how life is. So to all the Mother's out there, chin up! Hang in there! Celebrate motherhood whether you are a Mom, want to be one, have one, or need one. We can Mother each other. Give a Mom you know a big hug today and tell her what a great job she's doing!!



Anonymous said...

Beautiful post! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Sheila Fretz said...

Thanks for being a great friend and mommy to me and miss j. Love ya


Pink in a sea of blue said...

That's a sweet post! I can identify. It took 2 1/2 years to get pregnant with mini#1. Happy Mother's Day to you!

bevy said...

Look at these beautiful answers to prayers! Hug them tight... Jesus is smiling down at the wonderful mom you are!

Suburban Princess said...

It took 4 years to get pregnant and honestly, I had given up and took up golf! It was a couple of years before I got back to golf lol

Ouiser B. said...

Perfectly said darling! I've been thinking a lot about friends who are trying to get pregnant. And I (like you) know that isn't always easy. I had no idea how many other women were going through fertility treatment until I was well into the process. It was oddly comforting and I'd wished I'd been more open about it during those dark sad times in the beginning. That said I LOVE your idea that we all mother each other!! A beautiful idea that I will embrace!
