
Thank God

We had a wonderful Halloween, recap tomorrow! But first I had to share a touching story with you. Many of you know the story of Landon and his arm. You can read the whole story here, but Landon was born with a blood clot in his arm. We've had many surgeries, therapies, and he has been so great about it all. I knew there would come a day when he would have to answer questions about his arm. In the past he used to say "I had a little surgery". We like to let him talk or not talk about his arm. It's his arm and he can say what he wants.

At our annual block party Landon was cornered by a group of girls asking what happened to his arm. He seemed confused, but walked away. Later one of the girls asked him again. Since I was standing there I tried to encourage him. When she asked what happened to his arm, I asked him too. He looked sad and said "I don't know.". I broke my heart.

One of the smartest things we did for Landon was to make him a snapfish photo book about his arm. Pictures and a simple story of what happened and what a miracle he is. We got out the book and read it. Then later The Mr and I asked Landon what he would like to say about his arm. Would you like to say "you had surgery?", it was something "I was born with"?

Landon thought about it and said.

I want to say "Thank God".

There you go. A better answer then I gave him. After all he's been through he wants to tell people he's graetful to God. 

Learning lessons from a four year old in your house is the best thing ever.


Kiki said...

*tears streaming down my cheeks* What perfection, he is a wonder and a miracle-thanks for sharing this story!

Melissa said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! You have a very smart little boy!

Karen said...

I love how children see the world. What a sweet little boy you have and could he be any cuter?! Have a fabulous week!


Claire said...

A "Lesson from Landon" - thank you because we all need to hear this!!

PaperCourt said...

What a sweet boy! Just like his mama!!!

Will and Lindsay said...

Aw. Sweet Landon. He is an amazing kid.

Sheila Fretz said...

Love that sweet boy Landon!!! Always has the sweetest things to say...

Annabel Manners said...

Love that story! What a special little guy!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Touched my heart - thanks so much for sharing!

Uncommon Blonde said...

That brought tears to my eyes! What a wise and sweet boy you have.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What a precious little soul!

bevy said...

Oh my... Oh how much we can learn from children. His faith and love for his Savior and Creator is quite powerful.

Good for you, Mom and Dad. You two are obviously doing some amazing teaching and modeling in your home!

Anonymous said...

That brought tears to my eyes. Kids are such a blessing. Thank you for sharing!

Sandra said...

You and your husband are amazing parents and thus, you have a doubly amazing son. He is a jewel. How God smiles on Landon and your family. XOXO

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Oh, so precious. Kids are amazing. I tell my minis every day "I thank God for you" and they say it back. I never take it for granted or get tired of those words. Thanks for sharing stories of your sweet boy.

Maureen said...

Remember a couple of weeks ago when you talked about random acts of kindness? Well, in sharing this story, you just performed an act of kindness. That is seriously the most touching and loving and reaffirming story I have heard in weeks. Thank you.

AMY said...

This post brought tears to my eyes! Kids teach us so much. He will grow to use what others see as a negative as a way to share his faith. God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hey God, What's up? Thanks for Lando and his amazingly strong spirit. High-Fives all around.