

Here in the Fabulous Mom house we are making our Thanksgiving plans. We will be headed to Palm Beach with family.

I have often said when people call the holidays a "vacation", that it is NOT a vacation. It is time with family. This is a big difference. When you fly to Hawaii with your husband alone, or with a nanny, that's a vacation. When you fly with a four year old and nineteen month old across country, to a different time zone, where the sleeping arrangements will be confusing, that is time with family. I digress.

I am still hoping that some aspects of my time with family over Thanksgiving will be "vacationy." Here's a few things I would love to do:

1. Rollerblade. Betcha didn't know the Mrs. loves to don a pair of blades and feel the wind in her ears didja?
2. Shop in Hobe Sound at places like Seaside Daze and C. Orrico!
3. Go to Bice and have lunch or dinner.

4. Go to the beach with the kids and play in the ocean.
5. Have a sunset cocktail on the golf course.
6. See bestie Rye Rye!!

I think it sounds wonderful! We'll see what happens!!

On another notes, here's something I plan on making with the kids as a crafty/fun dessert! See below the brilliance I found on line!!

"For her preschool class's Thanksgiving party last year, my daughter, Marissa, four-and-a-half, and I made these sweet turkey treats. We dropped chocolate frosting on graham crackers and pressed on small Almond Joy candy bars for the body. We added striped cookies for the tail feathers and gel frosting for the eyes. Marissa loved making them, and they were the hit of the party!"
--Yvonne S., Kenosha, Wisconsin 

Thank you Yvonne, for making me feel like I could do something fun with my kids this Thanksgiving!


Muffy said...

Ooh, Palm Beach!!! Hope you find time to have some real FUN! We'll be in Vegas-- VACATIONING! HA!

Sheila Fretz said...

I bet you didn't know I too own a pair of roller blades!! I hope you have a fabulous time.

Sandra said...

Hopefully it will be part "vaca"!! Have a great time and take lots of pictures! xoxo

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Wow. I'll be honest. I keep thinking of that flight with young kids. I'll pray for you. LOL! Enjoy FL. Hopefully, you'll feel like it was a vacation once it's over. Cute turkey treat idea.

bevy said...

Vacationing... is going (or just staying home) sans children. Love them tons, but. ;)

Debra said...

We are going to Palm Springs. Would MUCH rather go to Palm Beach. Have fun for all of us!

I agree about your definition of vacation. :)