
Merry Christmas! Christmas in CT!

Merry Christmas! We just finished opening gifts and we are exhausted. Landon loved seeing what Santa Claus brought! Mom has decorated the house so beautifully I have to share!!

This is her Bunny Tree by Tommy Hillfiger in the entryway.

The main tree in the living room.

Christmas Bunny in the entryway

Just gorgeous!


Suburban prep said...

What a festive and homey picture. I sure you had a grand time.

Sarah M said...

What a beautiful house! I love the trees.

Mrs. LSL said...

Oh I love the bunny tree - so beautiful and fesive!

Can you believe it's over already? Where did the time go? Hope you have a great New Years!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Pretty, pretty! Love the front door!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So lovely and festive! I'm sure you enjoyed the beautiful surroundings!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

Oooooooh I love all those tartan decorations on the first tree. I wonder where she got all those blackwatch plaid ball ornaments??!! I shop all the time and have never seen those. If I had they would cover my whole tree.

The Mrs. said...

Tickled pink- That tree came decorated and was bought by mom at a decorated show house so I have no idea! Maybe they were made for the tree by Tommy Hilfigers people?