
Fabulous Holidays- The Christmas Boat Parade!

Last weekend Hubby and I took Landon and met a few friends down at Balboa Island in Newport Beach. There is a Christmas boat parade that happens every year and I keep missing it!
This year I circled it on the calendar and we made it!
Balboa Island looks like a fairytale Christmas Village this time of year, so lit up and adorable.

Landon was a trooper eating out and staying up past his bedtime. Hubby even let me stay a little longer so I wouldn't miss anything while Landon slept in the car! It was beautiful. We are leaving for CT to see Grandmommie at the end of the week! Wonder if Landon will get to see snow for the first time!?


Tres Poshe Preppy said...

So pretty! I love Balboa anytime but at Christmas time, so festive! So glad you got to enjoy it! Have a fabulous time in CT! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

PaperCourt said...

We had a beautiful boat parade in my hometown in FL. Sounds like a great evening.