
Prayers for Landon- Bone Lengthening Surgery

Like my new blog look? It was time for a FACELIFT! Make sure you check out my new "about me" page because I love it!

As many of you know, our sweet Landon was born with right arterial thrombosis (blood clots in his right arm). He's been through so much trying to make his special arm the best it can be, and we've made great strides. Every year we have surgery to make room for his arm to grow. Scar tissue tightens the arm and tendons. We release these contractures through surgery and skin graft to make more room.

This year however, we had to be more aggressive. His arm is not growing at the rate we would like, and, in order to avoid a huge discrepancy in the length of his arms, we are doing bone lengthening surgery.

We have really involved Landon in this process and asked him if he wanted to do this. He does, but what it entails is going to be really tough on him. He will spend 6-8 weeks with pins and a bar on the outside of his arm, that need to be turned 4 times a day. Then he goes into casts for another few months to protect the length we've gained. All in all a 6 month process. He's scared. We're scared. We all want this to be as calm and painless as possible.

We would love your prayers as we go into surgery tomorrow. I will document how he's doing from time to time. This is the bravest guy I know. He's been through so much and he's still so happy and sweet. My heart breaks for him but I have to be strong. I know we will be glad about the sacrifices we are making now later on.

Please keep us in your thoughts tomorrow.


DawnW said...

I will definitely pray for your sweet boy!!! What a trooper he is. it sure is amazing what kids can endure and keep marching on!!
And I love the blog makeover - you're "about me" page is fabulous!!

Bamawhitney said...

I'll be thinking of your family!

PS - love the new look!

Andy said...

Prayers for you all. Good luck.

KatiePerk said...

Thinking of you all! I hope it goes well. Landon is a brave guy, and you are too Mama!
Your new looks is "spot on". HA.

Suburban prep said...

Prayers are for your Landon and your family.
I do know how serious thrombosis is (I have DVT).

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Will be keeping y'all in my thoughts!

linda said...

Will sending prayers and good thoughts your way. He is so adorable and brave. Love your new blog look - your picture is beyond gorgeous too!

Rhonda said...

What a precious and courageous boy he is! I will pray that the 6 months pass quickly and aren't as hard as it sounds. Bless you all.

3 Peanuts said...

We will certainly pray for y'all.

Maureen said...

Yes, prayers for Landon and mom, dad, and Coco too.

JR Mazur said...

Sending love and prayers your way!

Gramspearls said...

My heart goes out to you and Landon....this is a true commitment. My husband has been involved in these procedures and the results are truly amazing. The process is not an easy one, and there will be days when you will have to be ever so strong as you turn the 'screws'. You a wonderful mother, who wants the best for Landon and I will be thinking of you and keeping you all in my prayers for the next months. The love in your family is almost palpable, so I know you will all succeed and this will help Landon in so many ways.

Wishing you the best,
Warmly, Kathleen

Your new blog 'redecoration' is lovely, although I feel funny mentioning it now....but sometimes it's just the escape you need. We're here.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Prayers for Landon and your family!

Meg said...

What a sweet happy confident kid you have made!

I am thinking of Landon and wishing success.