
I'm Getting To Know Landon's Arm

I'm getting to know this arm.

That sounds kind of funny but, it's true. This is not the arm I dreamed of for my son. This is not even the arm he was born with. Today Landon's arm looks like this.

We're getting to know each other, this arm and I.

I realize I have tried to hate it. The torture it puts us through. But I also realize this arm is attached to the greatest human being I've ever met. A human being that needs to grow up at peace with this arm, not hating it. I need to be grateful for this arm, the arm that was saved by god.

God has a plan for this arm that I cannot even fathom. This arm touches people, makes people talk, makes them grateful. This arm is everything. So when I care for this arm, rather than cursing it, I am going to bless it. As it has blessed me.
It's hard to see your baby in pain. It's even harder to explain it. Through all of this my inspiration and strength comes from Landon. He wakes up everyday with hope in his heart and joy all over his face. 

This Christmas I find myself living for the joy that he is feeling. Every little thing he discovers is full of wonder.  By the time we get this contraption removed it will be February. I know there will be hard days ahead, but this Christmas I feel nothing but LOVE all around this arm. And that, my lovelies, is a Christmas Miracle.


linda said...

Yes, it is a Christmas miracle! Your son's arm is beautiful and I'll bet that boys will think it is uber cool. I thank God for medical miracles too- (cochlear implant in my daughter's ear).
Blessings of the Season to your sweet family.

Gramspearls said...

How brave and smart you are to share this photo. Most do not know what this procedure 'looks' like, although the results are excellent. Your honesty and love will see you all through this and when you come out the other side, it will be worth it. Merry Christmas to y'all, especially One Fabulous Mom.

Warmly, Kathleen

Unknown said...

What a great attitude you have and how you've handled it all with such grace! May God bless your Christmas season!

Xo, J

Hillcrest Acres said...

I agree totally with Julia's comment. She wrote exactly what I was thinking.

Merry Christmas!!!

can719 said...

Love! It takes so much strength, courage and lots of love to get through challenges like this in life. Landon is blessed to have a mom that has all of the above. Without you he couldn't be the strong boy that he is! Prayers for all your mom power this holiday season and may you enjoy the greatest blessings in your life.

can719 said...

Love! It takes so much strength, courage and lots of love to get through challenges like this in life. Landon is blessed to have a mom that has all of the above. Without you he couldn't be the strong boy that he is! Prayers for all your mom power this holiday season and may you enjoy the greatest blessings in your life.

Amanda H said...

Beautiful post Liz.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I've been out of the blogosphere for a while - and this is the first image I'm seeing on your blog - so sorry to hear about this - hope his healing process is as fast as can be - what a brave little chap!Europafox

Kate said...

What a wonderful post. Landon is so lucky to have you cheering him on!